diseases to prevent in Loir-et-Cher

diseases to prevent in Loir-et-Cher
diseases to prevent in Loir-et-Cher

This is the first time that a seminar dedicated to prevention was organized by the Centre-Val de Loire regional health agency, with the Territorial Health Council (CTS) and the CPAM, Thursday in Vineuil. And it was the first to be conducted in the region. “We are all convinced that there are significant efforts to be made in terms of preventionunderlines Olivier Servaire-Lorenzet, president of the CTS, what is interesting is that local authorities and elected officials are part of the same approach, because to have a habitat favorable to health, there are political choices to be made. »

This prevention seminar arises from the Regional Health Project (PRS) 2023-2028, for which the ARS intends to increase the funds dedicated to prevention by 10%, and from 4e Regional health and environment plan (PRSE) running over the same period, which aims to seek a living environment more favorable to health. Concretely, stakeholders in health, the medico-social sector, associations and experts debated a concrete and practical implementation in Loir-et-Cher. “An action plan will then be drawn up and financially supported over five years. The idea is also to make everything that can already be done as preventive action understandable”underlines Éric Van Wassenhove, departmental director of the ARS.

“Very behind on cancer screenings”

“We are very behind in France and Loir-et-Cher for cancer screenings, we are only at 55% for breast cancer, less than 1 in 3 for colorectal cancer. This is a major issue for patients and for the proper use of the healthcare system”, underlines the director of the CPAM, Pierre Cuchet. The time limit for a mammogram is currently 5 to 6 months in Loir-et-Cher, which obviously increases the loss of chances. “But six months is better than nothing at all.” Most often the barrier is denial and fear”adds Pascaline Leloup-Renard of the League Against Cancer.

The messages must get across and mammography slots must be reserved for screening so that prevention can move forward. “The messages are getting through, for example for vaccination, a case where it is easy to go and get vaccinated at a pharmacy. Yet less than one in two vulnerable people gets vaccinated against the flu”, adds Pierre Cuchet. One of the avenues is to reach out to the populations furthest from prevention. The CRCDC (regional cancer screening coordination center) travels, for example, to Mondoubleau to carry out cancer screenings for disabled people. All good initiatives are to be taken.

The priority needs of the territory have been identified: chronic diseases and diabetes in the lead with an aging population, cancers, heart failure. It remains to redeploy regional funds towards prevention for these priorities, with concerted programs.

key figures

> The main causes of death in Loir-et-Cher are cancers with 27.2% of deaths and diseases of the circulatory system, 25.2% of deaths. They are the same at the regional and national level.

> Loir-et-Cher has incidence rates in certain areas that are higher than the national or regional level, particularly for breast, prostate and colorectal cancers.

> Diabetes is the third cause of new long-term illnesses (ALD) in the department, or 16.8% of all ALDs.

> The north of the department is more impacted by mortality linked to alcohol consumption, while for the south it is linked to tobacco consumption.



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