Health: red alert for grass allergies for this Ascension weekend

Health: red alert for grass allergies for this Ascension weekend
Health: red alert for grass allergies for this Ascension weekend

With the return of the sun, a wave of grass pollen is expected until Sunday, May 12 in the South-West.

If the month of April generally rhymes with the return of the sun, it also kicks off the most feared time of the year for those allergic to pollen, the proliferation of grasses with a peak until the end of June. Grasses have a particularly strong allergenic power.

The precipitation at the beginning of May brought a little respite to allergy sufferers but also favored the growth and development of grasses.
With the return of warmer, sunny weather this Ascension Week, the risk of allergies rises to highu2600ufe0fud83cudf3e

— National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (@rnsa_pollen)

The weather of recent days, where rain gave way to sunshine for this long Ascension Bridge, has greatly favored the proliferation of these grass pollens. The National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) even indicates a red alert in the South West until Sunday, and in particular in the Hautes-Pyrénées.

Like the clouds arriving from the Atlantic coast, we can see this “cloud” moving from west to east with a peak of grasses in the air expected this Saturday, particularly in the north of the department. On Sunday, we still observed a strong presence of these pollens in the air but in lower proportions.

Good actions to limit the risk of allergies

Allergies can be a real nightmare for some people, causing very disturbing symptoms. It is possible to limit the nuisance with a few small everyday actions.

Rinse your hair as much as possible in the evening, it is a real magnet for pollen and other particles which can then be deposited on your pillows.

Here are the right actions to follow to protect yourself from pollen and limit your exposure: regularly consult the pollen vigilance map on our website, rinse your hair in the evening, ventilate your accommodation before sunrise and after sunset if possible. ..

— National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (@rnsa_pollen)

Open your windows early in the morning and in the evening, preferably when the sun has set.

Do not dry your laundry outdoors. Avoid outdoor activities which facilitate contact with pollen. When traveling by car, keep the windows closed. The period of proliferation of grass pollen can extend until the end of September.



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