Daily strength and fitness

Daily strength and fitness
Daily strength and fitness

Decize. Daily strength and fitness in Champvert. How to gently maintain or develop your endurance, strength and flexibility when you are over 60? This is the theme of the module in which around twenty volunteers participate.

Designed by the prevention service of Mutualité Française Bourgogne in favor of the health and well-being of seniors, a specific module “Daily Strength and Fitness” was offered

and followed, at the rate of twelve collective sessions, by around twenty people, divided into two groups.

“A rhythm of regular physical activity practices”

“This module allows you to measure physical abilities before and after the workshop. Each participant can thus gently develop endurance, strength and flexibility through varied exercises linked to their daily life,” indicates Dominique Baffa, facilitator in charge of the workshop.

A module monitoring booklet given to each participant details the objectives to be achieved and the expected benefits, the schedule of sessions to be carried out at home, in groups, a logbook, etc. “Exercises are to be carried out in groups, such as walking around twenty meters with a weighted ball in each hand. This workshop reminds participants that, to carry their groceries, or heavy loads, you need to have endurance,” explains the facilitator, taking great care of his trainees.

Module offered in collaboration with the Federation of Nièvre social centers and the Decize social center, as part of the Bons Jours workshops, from February 8 to May 16. 14 sessions in total (including two individual + 6 indoor and 6 outdoor sessions). The Champvert town hall has made the room of the Guy-Lacroûte social and cultural center available for this occasion, for the duration of this transfer.



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