Alzheimer’s disease: two new risk factors to monitor

Alzheimer’s disease: two new risk factors to monitor
Alzheimer’s disease: two new risk factors to monitor

Age, a low level of education, smoking, untreated high blood pressure… Many factors contributing to Alzheimer’s disease are now well established. But this neurodegenerative pathology is revealed little by little and new risks appear.

Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic (Ohio, United States) have just highlighted two new risk factors.

The first is vision loss which, like hearing loss, would increase exposure to the disease. The other risk factor is a high level of LDL cholesterol, in short, bad cholesterol.

Although the exact mechanisms linking these health problems to Alzheimer’s disease are not yet fully understood, several hypotheses have been put forward.

Prevention above all

Vision loss could affect a person’s sensory input, reducing the amount of information the brain processes. Additionally, it could limit the ability to exercise, socialize, or engage in stimulating activities. All are important factors for good cognitive health.

Regarding cholesterol, the authors emphasize its negative impact on the heart and blood vessels. The brain, rich in small blood vessels, would therefore be particularly vulnerable to the effects of high levels of LDL cholesterol.

« If a person suffers from vision loss or high LDL cholesterol, the key is to seek treatment », insist the researchers. “ If you are concerned about your eyesight, consult your eye doctor. If you have a high LDL level, or if it is a hereditary disease, it is important to consult regularly. And if your doctor recommends a suitable diet, exercise or medication, follow his advice. »

Cleveland Clinic



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