Don’t get sick this season: read our immunity file

Find our advice and vitamin recipes to strengthen your immunity!

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Do you envy those people who never get sick? Discover our special Immunity file: a selection of articles and recipes to help you strengthen your natural defenses and stay in shape this fall-winter.

Flu, cold, gastro, Covid… Viruses tend to circulate more during the cold season. This year, there’s no question of letting them get to you! Read our special Immunity file and discover all the good reflexes to adopt to help you fight infections. Well-being tips, anti-fatigue routines, gourmet and healthy recipes… It’s all there!

Secrets to boosting your immunity

How to boost your vitamin D levels? What are the best solutions to resist the cold? How to completely get rid of a cold? Which food supplements should you focus on? Why is it so important to take care of your liver and microbiota? What role do stress and fatigue play on the immune system? Once our file has been explored, these questions will no longer hold any secrets for you!

Foods that boost your defenses

It’s impossible to talk about immunity without emphasizing the importance of the contents of your plate. There are many foods that naturally help the body defend itself against viruses. Turmeric, sage, honey… Discover what they can bring you, as well as our best recipes to easily introduce them into your menus. Fun fact: did you know that Gin could help you fight colds? Unless you would prefer the ginger shot?

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