5 things to know about carrots, the most consumed vegetable in !

5 things to know about carrots, the most consumed vegetable in !
5 things to know about carrots, the most consumed vegetable in France!

The carrotscarrots has survived the centuries without going out of fashion since it retains a special place on our plates, whether babies or adults. Under his airsairs humble, it’s a real gem!

1. The carrot is the most consumed vegetable in

It has been official since the beginning of 2024 following a comparative study carried out by Bona Fidé in five countries of the European Union, namely France, Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands. The information is surprising since it is especially the potato that was expected to top the ranking!

2. The carrot was not originally

Although it has been known since Methuselah, the carrot has been appreciated since the Middle Ages. She has long been confused with her cousin the parsnipparsniplogical, she was white like him until the 16th centurye century ! The fact of growing underground stripped it of all colored pigment, you only have to see the turnipsturnips, radishradishleeks, celeriacceleriacjust as pale. The orange carrot was born from a genetic transformationgenetic transformation have XVIIe century in the Netherlands.

Some say that this cross between white and red carrots was a way of paying homage to the house of Orange-Nassau. In any case, by going from white to orange, the carrot has become more tender and tasty. Mission doubly successful!

3. Carrot is a multi-seasonal vegetable

And for good reason, we find carrots in autumnautumnin spring and summer, or even in winterwinter. We speak of early carrot when it is sown between October and February and harvested from mid-April to July, and of saisonsaison and guard when its sowing is carried out between March and July. Storage carrots are covered with earth or mulch, a way of protecting them from the cold and preserving them well for marketing in autumn and winter.

4. Carrot can become a beauty product

No, it’s not about cutting slices like the cucumbercucumberbut rather to exploit its seeds which, when crushed, give oil. The latter has long been recognized for its regenerative and anti-oxidant properties. In cosmetics, carrot oil helps repair damaged skin and protects against premature aging thanks to its antioxidants. In addition to skin care, eating carrots regularly helps fight aging cutaneouscutaneous.

This root vegetable also contains carotenoidscarotenoids which naturally adorns the skin and protects it from rays UVUV of soleilsoleil. As a bonus, carrot oil provides a natural healthy glow. Moreover, if you eat carrots in excess, it is possible that the complexion of your epidermisepidermis changes somewhat and becomes colored orange. We call it carotenoderma, nothing serious, it’s actually quite pretty!

5. The carrot is a real health ally

Rich in betabetacarotenecarotene that the body transforms into vitamin A as needed, carrots are a valuable source of this vitaminsvitaminsessential to the proper functioning of the retinaretina and vision, especially at night. It also helps maintain the skin by accentuating its healinghealingby limiting the appearance ofacneacne you laugh

Consuming carrots also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune systemimmune system. Apart from the vitamine Avitamine Athe carrot is provided with various vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E and K), carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin) and nutrientsnutrients (potassiumpotassium, calciumcalcium, ferfer, phosphorusphosphorus). In addition, easy to digest, these vegetables are a source of soft fiber, ideal for regulating transittransit whether they are consumed raw or cooked depending on the intestinal problem encountered.



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