PRESS RELEASE. Prism supports the Pink October campaign: half of its profits donated to the ICM in

PRESS RELEASE. Prism supports the Pink October campaign: half of its profits donated to the ICM in
PRESS RELEASE. Prism supports the Pink October campaign: half of its profits donated to the ICM in Montpellier

On the occasion of Pink October, the annual breast cancer awareness campaign, Prism affirms its commitment to women’s health. This year, Prism is proud to announce that 50% of profits from all orders of pink surgical masks will be donated to the Cancer Institute (ICM).

This initiative aims to support research and treatments against breast cancer, a disease which affects thousands of women in each year.

Each order of pink surgical masks will help fund research and improve patient care.

Why pink October?

Pink October is an annual awareness campaign dedicated to the fight against breast cancer. It aims to inform, educate and encourage women to be screened regularly, while mobilizing funds for research and improved care.

Prism supports the Pink October campaign.

About ICM

The Montpellier Cancer Institute is a reference center for cancer research and treatment.

Thanks to donations and support from partners like Prism, the ICM can finance research projects, improve care protocols and support patients throughout their journey.



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