the number of indigenous cases is increasing in compared to last week

the number of indigenous cases is increasing in compared to last week
the number of indigenous cases is increasing in France compared to last week

According to Public Health , the number of indigenous cases of dengue fever increased in France this week, compared to the previous week, going from 57 to 68 cases.

An increase in transmission. The number of indigenous cases of dengue fever, i.e. a person infected locally without having recently travelled to an area where the virus is circulating, has increased in France this week, compared to the previous week, according to reports from Public Health France: the number has increased from 57 to 68 cases, according to the latest data updated on Wednesday 25 September.

The largest number of indigenous cases has been recorded in the municipalities of La Crau, Sainte-Cécile-les-Vignes and Fréjus, all located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, with 25, 18 and 11 respectively. Episodes of this virus are also still ongoing in Vendargues (Hérault), Sainte-Cécile-les-Vignes (), La Crau (), Fréjus (Var) and (Alpes-Maritimes).

High fever and headache

Dengue is a viral disease that is usually benign and manifests itself in particular by a high fever, headaches, nausea and vomiting. It can develop, in about 1% of cases, into a more serious form causing bleeding in particular. Deaths are very rare.

Tiger mosquito: record number of dengue cases reached in France

The detection of a case of dengue fever gives rise to epidemiological and entomological investigations “to quickly trigger vector control measures and thus limit the risk of local transmission of the virus”, explains Santé publique France. When an indigenous case is identified, “vector control measures are reinforced with the implementation of two adulticide mosquito control treatments in a wider perimeter (300 m)”, continues the agency, which notes that an “active search for cases is also implemented around the outbreaks of indigenous cases”.

Clement Boutin BFMTV journalist



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