Studies identify risks from sweeteners

Studies identify risks from sweeteners
Studies identify risks from sweeteners

Do you know about sweeteners? These substances can be extracted from plants or obtained by chemical synthesis and are used to give a sweet flavor to certain foods.Containing very few or no calories, intense sweeteners are used among others in the food industry as an alternative to sugars in certain products. These products are often used in combination, in order to obtain the desired taste in a food product.“, details the website of the Ministry of Health. Among the most famous sweeteners are: aspartame, saccharin, steviol glycosides, etc.

But in recent years, studies have focused on their possible impact on health. In its October issue, the journal Prescrire reveals the results of some recent studies. According to the scientists’ conclusions, regular consumption of intense sweeteners could increase the risk of suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease or having a stroke. Sweeteners could also be linked to the appearance of certain cancers.

In March 2022, a previous study unveiled by Inserm had already observed a link between aspartame consumption and the appearance of cancers. Indeed, scientists found that the biggest consumers of sweeteners, particularly aspartame and acesulfame-K, had a higher risk of developing cancer.

In its October issue, Prescrire reports the results of a French study conducted on approximately 100,000 adults. The results establish a link between high consumption of “intense” sweeteners and the risks of developing type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. So rather than turning to artificially sweetened drinks, it is recommended to favor fruits or unsweetened drinks.

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