Warning, if you bought this glue on Temu, throw it away immediately

Warning, if you bought this glue on Temu, throw it away immediately
Warning, if you bought this glue on Temu, throw it away immediately

While food products are often singled out in product recalls, this time, it is glue that finds itself in the dock. On Wednesday, September 25, the official website Rappel Conso warned of a danger caused by the use of a multifunctional glue sold by the Loctet brand under the model 495. This glue can be applied to metal, plastic, rubber, glass, ceramic, leather, wood, toys, etc.

All batches are affected, they were sold throughout via the Temu platform. Why should we no longer use this glue?The product is classified as a category 2 carcinogen based on the dichloromethane content found“, explains the Rappel conso website. Before adding: “This glue does not display any child-resistant labeling or closure or any indication of danger detectable by touch.“.

On its website, the National Institute for Research and Safety explains that dichloromethane is absorbed through the respiratory, oral and cutaneous routes. “A part of the product having entered the organism is eliminated in unchanged form by the lung. The remainder undergoes a metabolism which leads to two terminal products: carbon monoxide (oxidation in the presence of cytochromes P450) and carbon dioxide (conjugation pathway with glutathione), eliminated in the exhaled air”.

In humans, the health effects can be numerous.Dichloromethane causes central nervous system depression, which can be fatal in cases of significant exposure to vapours and aerosols. It is irritating to mucous membranes and skin. Repeated exposure may cause neurological disorders and irritant dermatitis”, warns the INRS.

Before concluding: “Manifestations of carbon monoxide poisoning may be observed. The carcinogenic nature of dichloromethane alone is difficult to assess, although an excess of certain cancers has been suggested in some studies in humans. It is not possible to conclude on the toxic effects on reproduction of the substance; however, the teratogenic nature of carbon monoxide, a metabolite of dichloromethane, should be noted.”

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