Soldier in Amay, he launches an appeal for donations for his 3-year-old son, suffering from brain cancer: “Help him, but also others”

Soldier in Amay, he launches an appeal for donations for his 3-year-old son, suffering from brain cancer: “Help him, but also others”
Soldier in Amay, he launches an appeal for donations for his 3-year-old son, suffering from brain cancer: “Help him, but also others”
Judith (7 years old) is looking forward to walking with her team to boost research into pediatric cancer

And if the problem affects the soldier so much, it is because Mathieu, his three-year-old son, who lives in Verviers, is affected by a very rare form of brain cancer.“There have only been four cases like this diagnosed worldwide.” All the more so since “Brain tumors are the hardest to treat. And likewise, very little research has been done for children at this level.”

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But for now, Mathieu is holding up, thanks to an experimental treatment.”The results are very promising. The tumor has already shrunk significantly. Now, they say that after a few months the effects wear off. We hope that the treatment will work in the long term.”

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We can therefore be optimistic for Mathieu. “But nothing is won, the tumor is still there. We first tried chemo, but it didn’t work. We even saw that the tumor had grown.” Which posed big problems. “She was pressing on the brain stem. He had lost mobility on the left side. And given his size and location, surgeons refused to operate.” They said it was too risky. “But we continued our research. And Professor Olivier De Witte dared to operate. He managed to remove 60% of the tumor.”

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Help Mathieu, but also the other children

Thanks to this operation and this experimental treatment, Mathieu is doing better.”Since he stopped the chemo, he is no longer immunocompromised. He can therefore return to school.” He even regained some mobility. “He is learning to walk again and is able to use his left hand a little.”

The pretty sum of €131,792 collected during the Verviers Relay for Life (photos & video)

But there is still a lot to do for Mathieu and the other children who are suffering. “We need innovative treatments, more clinical trials, new drugs. Old chemos that don’t work are unbearable for a three-year-old. It has to stop there.” This is why Dédé and his wife, Christine, launched this appeal for donations via the Kick Cancer association.This money will fund eight projects, two of which are clinical trials on brain cancers.”

So, if you want to support Mathieu, “and all the other children who are in his case”do not hesitate to make a donation via the following link:



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