Orleix – Health – Timéo… Remember, or discover it!

Orleix – Health – Timéo… Remember, or discover it!
Orleix – Health – Timéo… Remember, or discover it!

For over 9 years now, the association “Timéo notre Héros” has been fighting the same battle! Helping research into pediatric cancers and more specifically brainstem tumors!

Timéo, a little boy as blond as wheat, has forever marked hearts. At the dawn of his 7th birthday, he spread his angel wings, leaving behind a fierce fight, led by his parents, Hervé and Sandrine, and a close-knit community. For more than 9 years, the association “Timéo notre Héros” has strived to honor his memory by actively supporting research against pediatric cancers, and in particular brain stem tumors.

A fight for life, supported by all

The history of this association is that of a collective fight, aiming to help children fight against diseases as terrible as infiltrating gliomas of the brain stem (GITC), inoperable and often incurable cancers. Thanks to an impressive mobilization, “Timéo notre Héros” was able to finance several research projects and raise public awareness through flagship events such as “Les Foulées pour Timéo”, which has already had six editions, or the month of September in Or’Leix, in tribute to the national campaign dedicated to the fight against pediatric cancers.

Always supported by the municipality of Orleix, Timéo’s native village, the association has seen its visibility and impact grow over the years. The commitment is total, with unforgettable moments such as the Cross Solidaire organized by the school/college of Pontacq, or the action of the “Super Heroes” at the hospital of . Not forgetting the solidarity lottery in Bordères-sur-l’Echez, an event that brought together many participants and raised valuable funds, thanks to the collaboration of the association La Récré des Cabilats and the municipality.

The courage of the Amazons: Julie and Floriane, warriors of the Raid

Among the most notable actions, we can only salute the incredible support of Julie and Floriane, nicknamed the “Happyrenees”. These two young women braved the trials of the famous Raid Amazones, a sporting and humanitarian challenge, to support the association like lionesses. Thanks to their exploits, they not only made Timéo’s spirit travel to Cambodia, but also raised more than 7,000 euros for research. This sum, increased by an additional check for 500 euros given in , helped to strengthen the association’s contributions to the fight against pediatric cancer.

A financial commitment for major research projects

On September 11, 2024, a symbolic day, Timéo’s parents and our two Amazons presented a check totaling 19,400 euros to the TREC association (Toulouse Recherche Enfant Cancer), in the presence of Dr. Bertozzi, Timéo’s pediatric oncologist and head of department in Toulouse. This generous gesture is intended to support innovative projects such as the EQUI HIPPO project, which aims to improve the care and management of young patients with brain tumors, through animal-assisted therapies.

At the same time, these funds also contribute to the work of Dr. Baudou, a neuropediatrician, whose research in collaboration with Canadian teams has been recognized in the United States, with the award for the best poster in clinical research. These advances bring hope, particularly for the treatment of GITC, with the ambition of transforming this devastating disease into a chronic disease, a prospect that warms hearts.

Hope for healing, thanks to Timéo

“Thanks to you, through Timéo, we can help children heal! You are Our Victory.” It is with these words filled with gratitude that the members of the association “Timéo notre Héros” thank their supporters. Each step, each demonstration, each donation allows us to continue the battle against these pediatric cancers and to give tangible hope to many families.

Today, the fight continues, but it is tinged with immense hope. The hope that research like that of Dr. Baudou or innovative projects like EQUI HIPPO can one day make brain tumors less devastating. Timéo, through this exceptional mobilization, continues to be a true hero, whose story lights the way for so many children and families.

The association “Timéo notre Héros” will never stop believing in victory, and with the unfailing support of all, it will continue to help research progress in order to, one day, triumph over these terrible diseases.



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