Discover the real health risks of vaping –

Discover the real health risks of vaping –
Discover the real health risks of vaping –

British researchers have conducted a study on the real health risks of e-cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are harmful to the health of young people.

Dangerous for health

The European Commission has launched an appeal on cigarettes and vaporizersreports RTL. She encouraged member states to tighten their regulations and ban smoking in outdoor areas.
There electronic cigarette does not contain tar or carbon monoxide. However, it is dangerous for health.

Three groups of young people

British specialists have conducted a study on the risks of vaporizer by giving physical stress tests to young people who had no lung problems. They divided them into three groups: those who had been vaping for at least two years, smokers of traditional cigarettes and non-smokers.
According to the results, young vapers have the same maximum exercise capacity as cigarette smokers. Thus, those who consume electronic cigarettes are also less efficient than those who smoke nothing.

E-cigarettes should be a way to quit smoking

Other tests were also performed, including a heart ultrasound that showed that the smokers’ blood vessels contracted less well. As a result, the vapers were more out of breath.
There electronic cigarette should be a way to quit smoking, but it should never be a gateway. And that’s why “puffs” (flavored disposable e-cigarettes) are problematic. They’re creating a generation of young addicts who will probably smoke for the rest of their lives.

> Also read: World Tobacco Prevention Day: E-cigarettes still popular among young people



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