Leclerc Withdraws Listeria-Contaminated Products

Leclerc Withdraws Listeria-Contaminated Products
Leclerc Withdraws Listeria-Contaminated Products

Latest news that melts our hearts, and unfortunately not with pleasure: Leclerc has launched a National Mozzarella Recall due to the presence of the Listeria monocytogenes bacteriaThis blow concerns the mozzarellas of the Tradizioni d’Italia brand, with lot 101 and a use-by date set for 09/17/2024. The offending products have been distributed in the cutting and self-service sections since April 20, inviting consumers to check their purchases closely.

Leclerc recently announced a national recall of mozzarella after the discovery of traces of Listeria monocytogenes in certain batches. This precautionary measure follows the detection of this bacteria dangerous to human health. The affected products have been removed from the shelves to avoid any risk of contamination. Here are the details regarding the recalled products, the risks associated with Listeria and the measures to be taken by consumers.

The products concerned

The products affected by this recall are balls of Mozzarella of the Tradizioni d’Italia private label, marketed by E.Leclerc stores. More precisely, these are the numbered lots L 231 And 101These batches have a use-by date of September 17, 2024 and were put on sale in Leclerc supermarkets from April 20, 2023. These products were available both in the cutting section and in self-service.

Risks associated with Listeria

There Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that causes listeriosis, an infection that can be serious or fatal. People most at risk include pregnant women, newborns, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. Symptoms of listeriosis include fever, headache, muscle aches, and sometimes digestive problems such as nausea and diarrhea. In severe cases, it can lead to neurological complications and bloodstream infections.

Measures to be taken by consumers

If you bought these mozzarellas at E.Leclerc, it is essential not to consume them. It is recommended to return them to the point of sale where they will be reimbursed. In case of ingestion, and if symptoms appear, consult a health professional immediately, mentioning this possible exposure to Listeria. Consumers are strongly advised to always check for product recalls to avoid such inconveniences.

A similar recall at Carrefour

Although this article focuses on the mozzarella recall at Leclerc, it is worth mentioning that similar recalls have occurred at other retailers such as Carrefour, for products that may also contain traces of Listeria. Vigilance therefore remains essential, whatever the brand or store.

Alternatives to enjoy safely

If you are looking for safe and tasty alternatives for your aperitifs, why not try recipes for crispy and melty cheese toasties, or discover no-bake options for a refreshing aperitif dinner? For those who prefer lighter cuisine, you will also find tips for light and delicious aperitifs. Don’t hesitate to explore summer vegetarian dishes for a healthy and delicious aperitif.

On July 15, 2023, the sign Leclerc announced the immediate recall of several lots of mozzarella sold in its stores nationwide. This recall involves private label products Italian traditionsin particular lot 101, due to the presence of the infectious agent Listeria monocytogenesresponsible for listeriosis.

Listeriosis is a serious infection that can be particularly dangerous for pregnant women, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. Symptoms include fever, headache, nausea and diarrhea. If consumers consume this contaminated cheese, they are advised to consult a doctor as soon as the first signs appear.

The affected lots, sold since April 20, 2023, can be returned to any Leclerc store for a full refund. This measure aims to limit health risks and guarantee food safety for consumers. The mozzarella in question is available in the cut and self-service sections, which reinforces the importance of checking the lots and use-by dates on the packaging.

This recall highlights the importance of vigilance in food safety. During the summer, when fresh produce is more commonly consumed, it is crucial to be extra careful to prevent any risk of contamination. Leclerc, like other retailers, is committed to informing consumers quickly and effectively in the event of similar problems.

In conclusion, this reminder of contaminated mozzarella by Leclerc once again demonstrates the importance of food monitoring and compliance with health standards. Consumers must pay attention to recall notices and adopt the right reflexes to ensure their safety and that of their loved ones. In this context, it is essential to stay informed and follow the recommendations of health authorities.



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