Health. Whooping cough epidemic flares up in

Health. Whooping cough epidemic flares up in
Health. Whooping cough epidemic flares up in Normandy

The whooping cough epidemic is exploding in and the Cotentin is particularly affected. Around twenty cases are recorded each week in the Manche. The resurgence of this respiratory infection is explained in particular by poor vaccination coverage.


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The beginning of autumn rhymes with viruses and bacteria, but this year, whooping cough is making a comeback. More than 100,000 cases and around thirty deaths since the beginning of 2024 in France, this is the sad toll linked to this respiratory infection. Normandy is not spared and is closely monitored by the Regional Health Agency (ARS).

The whooping cough epidemic, characterized by violent and repeated coughing fits, is accelerating, particularly in the Manche department. In this department, around twenty cases have been recorded each week since the end of August, by SOS médecins.

All health professionals are witnesses to this, like Emmanuel Lecocq. For this general practitioner in Cherbourg, the rapid spread and return of the disease are linked to “the vaccine modification with the vaccination frequencies which have been spaced out more“But that’s not the only factor,” he adds: “The resurgence of whooping cough is also due to post-Covid with a drop in overall immunity.”

There is a slightly higher number of people coming in with symptoms suggestive of whooping cough. Antibiotic prescriptions have increased fivefold since August.

Vincent Gain, pharmacist in Cherbourg

The same observation was made by Vincent Gain, a pharmacist from Cherbourg. He recently noted “an increase in antibiotic prescriptions“Behind his computer screen, with statistics to back it up, he explains: “They have increased fivefold since August.“.

In his pharmacy, the people of Cherbourg also come to seek advice.Patients bring us their vaccination records to find out where they are and if they have had the right vaccine boosters.“, notes the pharmacist. Because vaccination remains the best way to prevent this disease which is five to six times more contagious than Covid.

Infants, the elderly and pregnant women are most at risk. To protect themselves and others, the ARS insists: “Prevention of this disease is mainly based on vaccination“.

At the Children, the first vaccination takes place at two and four months of age, followed by a booster at eleven months. A second booster is given at six years of age and then a third at eleven or thirteen years of age.

At the adults, whooping cough vaccination is recommended with a booster at the age of 25.

The High Authority for Health (HAS) also recommends that anyone in close contact with an infant under six months receive “a booster, if the last whooping cough vaccine was given more than five years ago“.

The Regional Health Agency reminds that wearing a mask, hand hygiene and ventilating living spaces are necessary for the prevention of respiratory diseases.



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