Rennes: an 18 -year -old girl dies from meningococcal meningitis, dozens of contacts identified

Rennes: an 18 -year -old girl dies from meningococcal meningitis, dozens of contacts identified

Sad news in Ille-et-Vilaine. A young woman, aged only 18, died on Monday from meningitis in meningococcus according to our colleagues from Ouest-France. The information was confirmed by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) to local radio here.

Last Friday, several cases of meningitis within the same family were reported to the ARS. Infected people were in Rennes and Chantepie, in the Rennes metropolis.

Forty contact cases

Since this alert, two people have been hospitalized at the Rennes University Hospital, says Ouest-France. Their health would improve over the hours. A third person would also be closely followed by medical staff.

According to the local media here, the ARS would have identified around forty contacts. They would have all “benefited from prophylactic antibiotic treatment to avoid the development of infection”, specifies this same source.

The symptoms of meningococcal meningitis are numerous: muscle pain, vomiting, nausea, fever, violent headache, or the appearance of red or purplish tasks on the skin. “Méningococci constitute the major causes of acute meningitis,” explains the Pasteur Institute on its website. “Despite treatment, meningococcal infections have a high mortality rate (10%) and strong epidemic potential. »»

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