“Our habits and our society promote disease”

In addition, the general practitioner also points out as responsible for this increase in cancers in young adults the addictive behaviors to which many of them are engaged, whether in terms of alcohol, tobacco, but also other drugs. It also notes that the high rate of smoking in Corsica, with smokers which often begins very young, causes an over -chance of lung cancers. “” In young women we have 40% more cases than elsewhere “, He is alarmed.
“And then, there is also a political unconsciousness whether at the national level or at the local level, because we know that 1/5th Cancers is due to pollution and we do nothing to fight against this ”, he thunders by another register. “” In Ajaccio, in particular, we have locally all the reasons to be a little more worried than elsewhere: we are subject to the fine particles emitted in industrial quantities by the Vazzio power station, to the pollution emitted by cars, to that of tobacco , food, but also to smoke from boats », He lists by castigating the inaction of local powers» To stop certain pollution which are not useful in particular that of cruise ships ”. “You could demand that they arrive with clean engines or not even at all. However, we come up against commercial interests of a few people and we subject the Ajaccian population to a pollution that could be avoided », Skipped Dr Merlenghi again, summarizing:« These are all these elements that promote cancers and lead to earlier cancers. We are really in a situation which is disastrous and which is the very prototype of a disease which is created and maintained, because cancer is a disease maintained by our way of life and our civilization ».
In order to avoid the health disaster, the president of the departmental committee of the League against Corse-du-Sud cancer calls de facto to the implementation of a better policy of prevention of the disease, both at the national level and Local, but also for efforts in terms of screening, while Corsica remains very lagging behind in this area. “” It is not normal that a screening is put in place that is very expensive and that in Corsica we have 70% of the population which does not do these exams. It amazes me to see the number of people who do not feel concerned and who think that cancer cannot happen to them », He worries by recalling that an early screening allows if necessary treat cancer more quickly, to increase the expectation of survival of patients, but also to have a lower cost in terms of suffering human. “And then healing cancer is expensive!” We have more and more cancers, so more and more care, which has an exorbitant cost. When we look at the social security deficit, we realize that soon we can no longer treat people », He still poses before concluding: “Economically speaking, we go to a disaster in the next 10 years. We are going to have people who will stay by the way and who will no longer be able to treat ourselves. Already we see that with the dependent remains, it becomes complicated ”.