It is necessary to “play down” the screening, according to the ARC Foundation, which notes that a third of the people concerned feel of the “gene”

The campaign launched by the foundation presents itself in a humorous tone with a mascot called “Mr Popo”, to promote a “vital gesture for health”.
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It’s necessary “Dramatize” one liver “Taboo on colorectal cancer screening”calls on Tuesday February 4 on Franceinfo François Dupré, director general of the ARC Foundation, who launches an awareness campaign to screening colorectal cancer.
Second most frequent cancer for women and third for men, it is indeed the subject of screening offered to men and women aged 50 to 74 via an immunological test for bleeding in the stool, but alone 34% of the French concerned are tested.
36% of the refractories say they feel “embarrassed”, “Compared to this little gesture which is to make at home, this little sample”he explains. He admits that screening “Can be a little unpleasant”but it is “Absolutely tiny compared to the gain it brings”he says. Hence the idea of launching a humorous campaign, with a mascot, “M. Popo”, “To play down” as is the case “In the countries of southern Europe”Or “There is no problem”. “It is not because it is an ordinary gesture that it is not vital for health”he concludes.