“We got heavily equipped” according to local specialists

February 4 is recognized as every year, World Day against Cancer. With 1,600 new cases recognized per year, Martinique is not spared from the ravages of this very heavy pathology. Among the most frequent tumors, there is that of breast in women and those of prostate or testicle in men. This is an opportunity to make an inventory on the island at the start of 2025.
In Martinique, There are nearly 1,600 new cases of cancer per year, for just over 700 deaths. Regarding the treatment of female cancers, at the end of 2024, a new care unit was born at the MFME (house of women, mother and child).
This made it possible to improve the management significantly, explains Doctor Mehdi Jean-Laurent; He is head of service to the gynecological and mammary surgery unit at the Martinique University Hospital Center.
One of the issues in oncology circuits in Martinique was the capacity of the Clarac hospital, with fifteen positions to carry out chemotherapy. Today, this service arrives at its limits and the treatment posed difficulties, that is to say the period between the decision of systemic chemotherapy treatment and the effective start of treatment had become too long for our patients ( …). We have gone from more than 2 months to less than 2 weeks since the opening of this unit. The deadline [de prise en charge]whatever cancer, is a quality criterion, directly associated with life expectancy.
We have changed a century clearly! When you detect cancer, whatever it is, you need to take stock of the disease; That is to say whether we are dealing with a localized disease, or is it already at a so-called metastatic stage.
And so today, the reference examination is the TEP-scanner and to have a TEP-scanner, you have to machine, then you have to make the tracers, what is called the cyclotron. We were one of the last regions not to have our equipment. Suddenly, we got heavily equipped, since now it has become one of the largest centers in Europe.
The treatments are heavy and we noticed that it was necessary to take charge of the patients, in order to improve their quality of life and the observance, that is to say they must finish Their treatment, what is called support care. It is physical activity adapted on prescription, it can be nutrition to improve the nutritional state of patients, it can be psychological support … that’s all that revolves around conventional treatments, during and after the Management of their cancer.
Mehdi Jean-Laurent,Head of service to the gynecological and mammary surgery unit at the Martinique University Hospital (at the microphone of Grégory Gabourg)
Among men, among the most frequent cancers on the territory, we distinguish those of the prostate, the colonist or the breast. Less widespread, that of the testicle, of which 3 Martinicans were operated in 2024 on the island. Urologist Johan Rose dit Moderstine, indicates one of the risk factors.
Overall there is no specific factor apart from what is called cryptorchidia. This is the fact that the testicle is not completely descended, simply because the manufacture of sperm must be done at around 36 ° and not 37 °. So the best way to get 36 ° is to keep the testicle away from the belly. Nature has decided to put them from us and if this testicle does not go completely, it remains blocked in a place on this journey. This cryptorchid testicle is recognized as a risk factor that can lead to cancer.
Johan Rose Dite Motherstine,At the microphone of Xavier Chevalier
In November 2024, Kayso, a new company specializing in the health sector, was founded “To offer ultramarine patients and their families, efficient and innovative assistance as part of their care path in France.” This telephone platform is accessible via a subscription.
We are delighted to launch KaySo, start-up under the social and solidarity economy. We firmly believe that our telephone platform is an innovative approach and that it will facilitate the care path of patients in the Antilles-Guyana. Our priority is to bring them, thanks to our services, the serenity they need to get better, take advantage of their loved ones and focus on their healing. Our goal is to offer assistance, rigorous and effective support through our services.
Nathalie Chillan,the founder
This day of February 4 is also marked in Martinique by the presentation of the “MORIS 2025 prize”, whose ceremony takes place in a hotel in Fort-de-France. These prices “Reward those whose commitment and innovation help to advance the fight against cancer and to improve the quality of life of patients”.
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