Against Parkinson, this feat of French researchers who inject dopamine directly into the brain

InBrain Pharma
Decryption – Lille researchers have developed technology to provide the brain with patients the molecule that makes them lack. With good preliminary results, and lower side effects.
Sending, directly in their brain, the molecule that the patients of Parkinson lack: it is a feat that a team of Lille researchers carried out. With the results obtained in 12 patients, they are now looking for some 50 million euros to confirm them out of 170 patients. « In research, if you have money, you can do small miracles, but without, it’s difficult … » entrust the pr David Devos, neurologist and pharmacologist (University of Lille/CHU of Lille/Inserm) and co-founder of the Inbrain Pharma start-up.
At the origin of this work, a discovery made in the 1950s by the Swedish neurobiologist Arvid Carlsson, who earned him the Nobel Prize in 2000. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter coming into play in voluntary movements and motivation, is lacking in Parkinson’s disease. Dopaminergic neurons are gradually destroyed, resulting in the typical symptoms of the disease (slow, even impossibility …