My health space is 3 years old and already more than 2.5 million users every month-Order of the physiotherapists

“Launched at the end of January 2022 by the Ministry responsible for Health and Health Insurance, my health space has settled in the lives of citizens as their digital health book. In three years, 97% of social insured people have a digital health book and more than 17 million have already used it.
Accessible to everyone, easy to use and highly secure, the service aims to make the insured fully played their health and strengthen coordination between health professionals to improve their care. In 2024, 300 million health documents, keys for patient monitoring, were deposited in my health space. And the service continues to evolve for more personalized prevention, while integrating the confidence health applications developed by public and private actors.
For Thomas Fatôme, director general of health insurance :
“My health space has become in three years the digital health book of many insured. There are already 17 million to have used this secure and practical public service to centralize their health documents and share them with the professionals who follow them on a daily basis. And this is just a start! My health space continues to be enriched to offer features that are always more suitable for the needs and care paths of each, throughout life. »»
For Hela Ghariani, co -responsible for digital health at the Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families (DNS) :
“The first 3 years of my health space took place as planned! The French appropriate it. Health professionals feed it and soon thanks to the mobilization of publishers in the sector, they can easily access their patient’s medical history. In terms of public authorities we keep the course to make my health space the reference platform to manage its health data. »»
My health space: the universal digital health book, free and secure, guaranteed by the public authorities
Today, more than 97% of the population in France has a profile my open health spaceand can receive health documents from health professionals. A quarter has already activated it, or more than 17 million people in total. This dynamic accelerates: In 2024, 6.5 million users connected for the first time to my health area (including 600,000 for the month of December 2024). Each week, more than 640,000 people use my health space.
More than 5 million users have downloaded the my health area mobile application And highly recommend it, highlighting its usefulness and ease of use with a score of 4.7/5 on average on blinds. Almost half of the users of the application return from one month to another.
My health space is above all a public service where everyone can receive, store and share their health information in a secure and confidential manner. The data contained in my health space is hosted in France with a high level of security, guaranteed by the public authorities. Citizens retain total control over their health data: they can control who access it transparently and with guaranteed traceability.
My health space: the reference tool for sharing information between patients and healthcare professionals
One of the major ambitions of my health space is to Generalize the fluid and secure sharing of health data with the patient and between professionals: during the year 2024, two thirds of French people received at least one health document in my health area. From reports to biology exams (117 million) to medication prescriptions (69 million), including medical imaging reports (26 million), key documents of the care pathway were massively sent to my space health by professionals and health establishments.
Overall, more than one in two health document is found today in the medical file of my health space. Thanks to the digital segur, a large majority of establishments and health professionals are equipped with software allowing them to transmit in a simple and systematic way health documents. In December 2024, nearly 95,000 liberal health professionals including 67,000 doctors (excluding radiology) and 17,000 pharmacies, 263 biology laboratory groups, more than half of liberal radiologists, 3,700 health establishments, of 6,500 social and medico-social establishments that have filed documents in my health space.
The Digital Segur continues, with the Software Update 2 Wave that will allow professionals over the next two years to simply consult, directly from their daily software, medical information now available in my health area. After the hospital in 2024, the devices dedicated to imaging and city medicine will be launched in February.
In parallel, citizens are the 1st players in my health space: 9 out of 10 users added at least one document (more than 5.7 million documents last year, 20 million in total). They also complete their medical profile (more than 1/4 has completed at least one section) to inform their history, their allergies, their treatments, and all the useful information they can share with health professionals who follow. They are also more likely to consult the documents deposited by their health professionals in their space, since they are 12 million to have consulted at least 1 document in 2024.
My health space: continuous enrichment to offer services adapted to each
Beyond the sharing of key health documents, my health space gradually becomes a real full-fledged prevention tool. With the launch of the agenda in 2024, everyone can have a provisional calendar bringing together all the important meetings for monitoring their health, and that of their children: vaccination reminder, exams or screenings. It is also possible to benefit from notifications to be alerted. In addition, the insured can find prevention advice in my health space, depending on their age and sex, which are intended to be even more personalized soon with the information provided by the insured in the “Life habits” section (Food Food , physical activity, tobacco, sleep, screens, alcohol).
Make my health space an ecosystem open to the applications of public actors as private, innovative, meeting the needs of patients and high quality safety and quality standards, is also a strong ambition of the ministry responsible for health and insurance Disease : today insured people can find 36 Trust health applications in the catalog of my health space (For example, medical RV taking services, monitoring of chronic diseases or even health establishments). This unique approach to referencing by the public authorities, based on technical, ethical and safety criteria, encourages these publishers committed to meeting strong quality requirements for the benefit of users. And very soon, it will be possible for users, always in a strict framework by the hand of the citizen, to supply my health space with data from health applications that they use daily and centralize them in one place.
3 years of my health space: Webinaries in each region throughout the month of February. From February 4 to 28, in each region, webinaries will be offered to everyone in order to enhance the mobilization of regional actors in the past 3 years, to concretely demonstrate the reality of uses in the territories, to encourage associations and representatives Patients to continue awareness -raising work and to embark more and more health and health professionals.
The list and dates of webinaries are available via this link »
Source: Ministry of Labor, Health, Solidarity and Families