An American burns a finger while cooking … We ampute both legs

An American burns a finger while cooking … We ampute both legs

Last December, a 40 -year -old American was amputate both legs because of a simple thumb burn.

Max Armstrong is an American from Colorado. In early December, the latter saw his life change overnight: he lost his two legs because of a small burn.

At the time, the forties had left to camp with friends in the forest. One evening, Max was burned her thumb while cooking pasta for dinner.

“I was wrong with a stove and my thumb touched the hot part (…),” he explained to the Ladbible site.

Max ArmstrongPhoto credit: Swns

As he specifies, he cleaned his injury before bandaging it with a dressing. A few days later, he noticed that one of his legs “began to inflate». Max then did not pay attention to it; The pain was still bearable at that time. However, on December 7, he decided to go to the hospital.

“At that time, the burn on my thumb had become awful, it was black black and seemed to bite my finger,” said the nature lover.

A simple burn leads to amputation

After a series of exams, it turned out that Max suffered from a type A streptococcus, also known as a flesh -eating bacteria. This has infiltrated the burn of its thumb before evolving towards septicemia (a potentially fatal blood infection, editor’s note).

Faced with this situation, the patient was transported to another hospital, where he was plunged into an artificial coma for six days.

His relatives were invited to prepare for the worst, but miracle, Armstrong regained consciousness on December 13.

Max Armstrong durant son hospitalisation Photo credit: Swns

But good humor quickly flew when Max noticed that her two feet were ” completely black “, While doctors informed him that they were going to have to amputate him.

While he was in a coma, the bacteria gnawed at his feet and had started to spread on his legs. On December 23, 2024, Max underwent a double amputation of the lower limbs. A necessary operation that saved his life.

Photo showing the double amputation of Max Armstrong's legsPhoto credit: Swns

Despite this terrible ordeal, the one who now moves in a wheelchair keeps a smile. An online kitty was launched to help him.

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