Anti-Cavid vaccines are safe, reaffirms the drug agency after 152 million injections in France

Anti-Cavid vaccines are safe, reaffirms the drug agency after 152 million injections in France

According to the ANSM, pharmacovigilance surveys have not established any connection to Charcot’s disease, one case of which had been reported post-vaccination.



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A bottle of the Cumirnaty vaccine against the COVIR on January 13, 2025, in a pharmacy in Saint-Julien-l'Ars (Vienne). (Jean-Francois Fort / Hans Lucas / AFP)

The four anti-Cavid vaccines used in France are safe, reaffirms the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines in its latest assessment of undesirable effects on Tuesday, February 4. ANSM’s communication relates to results of pharmacovigilance surveys ranging from January 2023 to February 2024. These data “Show again that COVVI-19 vaccines are sure”she summarizes in a press release.

These surveys analyze the declarations of undesirable effects reported for the four vaccines against the COVVI-19 available in France: the Cumirnaty of Pfizer/BionTech, the Spikevax of Moderna, the Nuvaxovid of Novavax (replaced since by Nuvaxovid XBB) and the VidPrevtyn Beta de Sanofi/GSK. According to the ANSM, they have not established any link with Charcot’s disease, one case of which had been reported post-vaccination.

To date, “Over 152 million doses” anti-Covid vaccin “have been administered” in France, and someonee “163,000 reports of suspected potential adverse effects have been recorded”specifies to AFP Mehdi Benkebil, director of surveillance of the ANSM. “All these cases have been the subject of analyzes at regional and national level. By comparison, annually, we receive around 40,000 cases for all drugs”he specifies, stressing the “Colossal work of analysis” What does the “Reinforced surveillance” Anti-Cavid vaccines.

If the benefit/risk of COVIVS vaccines is very positive, certain side or unwanted effects have been highlighted, the most frequently mild, or rare when they are more impressive. Apart from the most frequent adverse effects linked to the immediate reaction of the body to injection, rare cases of peripheral facial paralysis (partial loss of the functioning of part of the face), myocarditis/pericarditis (inflammation of the muscle muscle heart), significant menstrual bleeding and polymorphic erythema (rash of skin tasks) were thus identified.

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