diagnosed with acute leukemia at the age of 25, Mathilda testifies

diagnosed with acute leukemia at the age of 25, Mathilda testifies

At the age of 25, while she was just in her professional life, Mathilda must put her life in parentheses against her will. In 2023, the young woman was diagnosed with a acute leukemiain other words, cancer of the bone marrow cells, with the Toulouse oncopole. On the occasion of World Cancer Day, this Tuesday, February 4, 2025, Mathilda recounts her career and testifies to his strength of mind.

“I don’t let you spend the weekend”

“I came back from vacation to Paris and I felt very tiredI had back pain, especially in the bone marrow, in the gym, I felt to lose consciousness. There was something abnormal, ”says the young woman. She then decides to make an appointment with her general practitioner, who prescribed her blood test.

« Saturday October 7, 2023, I will never forget this dateI’m going to do these analyzes, and there it all left. The nurse said to me: ‘I don’t let you spend the weekend, your results are very bad’. I then go directly to the emergency room where I am done exams, Then I am sent to the oncople, To do additional analyzes, ”continues Mathilda.

I was in denial at that time. I was going to the oncopole, but I hadn’t really understood that I was going there for a suspicion of cancer.

Mathilda Pal

“In 48 hours, we knew what I had”

Then followed an examination battery, blood tests and meetings with many doctors for the young woman, which does not return home from the weekend.

“In 48 hours, we knew what I had. Monday morning, October 9, My oncologist who has been following me for a year and a half now, is entering my hospital room. It was then that everything changed. She explains to me: ‘We found what you have Madame Pal, you have an acute leukemia’. I was in denial and I didn’t really understand. Then she pronounced the words ‘Cancer you sang’ And there, I realized, ”says the young woman.

In the end, Mathilda does not go home for more than a month. It begins the first drug treatment in the same day, then slight chemotherapy. “I then returned every two months in hospital for a bigger chemo. It was very fast. ”


My IG: Mathilda_pal my podcast: without it, I will not succeed. I named the resilience ❤️‍🩹 My channel is podcast: sweet mathie online 🫶🏻 #leucemieaigochublastic #leucemia #leucemie #podcast #podcasts

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“During treatment, I caught a golden staphylococcus”

As she starts her treatments, Mathilda faces a new problem. After installing her catheter door, the case located under the skin which allows the chemo to pass via a catheter, the young woman catches an infection.

“Despite chemo and treatments, there are sometimes infections. I had one who was Housed in my kneewho forced me to be hospitalized. It was a Golden staphylococcus. For a month, I lost the use of my leg. I had to move in a wheelchair and then in crutches ”. It was in December 2023. A situation that imposed on the young woman of Spend Christmas and New Year’s Day in the hospital.

The time of this infection, treatment for leukemia is stopped. “I think I caught the staphylococcus to the hospital. During a good week after chemotherapy, there is no longer an immune defense. It is therefore easy to catch any disease. ”

Immunotherapy in place of a transplant

For more than six months, the young woman alternates between two treatments, the chemotherapy and immunotherapya technique of administration of substances stimulating the immune defenses.

« They had to give me a graft of the bone marrowbut I finally made the decision, after a month of reflection, of favor immunotherapy. My choice was reasoned. I contacted oncologists in Paris, I did a lot of research … The transplant was too dangerous, especially in terms of infertility that could follow, especially since there was not much chance success. It would have been more hospitalization, without certainty of the result, ”explains Mathilda.


A day with me at the hospital 🏥 It’s been 3 weeks now that I was diagnosed with leukemia and I wanted to show you a typical day in hospitalization 🙂 Of course all my days are not like that, it depends on my Fatigue and my pain! #Hopital #cancer #oncopoleToulouse #oncopole #toulouse #vlog

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“I was afraid of death”

“The first year was the worst of all. The discovery of the disease was very difficultbut I was very well surrounded as much by the medical team as by my loved ones. But what was very hard was to tell me that at 25 years old, I had such a disease. It was abnormal in my eyes, but I gave everything mentally, until I see my body deteriorate. Losing my hair, weight, scars … it was horrible. And then I was afraid of death, An infection, not to get there, ”deplores Mathilda. But strong of her character and her desire to continue living, the young woman held.

“The sword of Damocles, I will always have it on me”

Mathilda is today on the Way of healing, she is in remission. “This means that currently my leukemia no longer increases, I have almost no residual disease. But that can come back, especially the first two years. I will be completely cured in four years“Explains the young woman. Today, she has finished her immunotherapy treatment and she no longer has a catheter door. “I only have chemotherapy that I only take in tablets.”

“The sword of Damocles, I will always have it on me. Even yesterday, I called my tears because I thought my analysis results were not good.But I intend to resume my life in hand. I could no longer work and I preferred to return to my parents with the disease. But next year, I would like to go up to Paris, find a new job, find me a darling … “, laughs the young woman.

A message of hope

So Mathilda has a message of hope to convey to all those who learn that they are suffering from such a disease:“You are not alone. There are many people around us, to accompany us and support us in these difficult times. It will be fine. ”

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