Hypertension, lower the pressure | Francetvpro.fr

Marine Lorphelin, general practitioner, is the new face of Take care of yourself !. In this unprecedented issue, she mobilizes a team of experts to help Josiane, Frédérique and Emmanuel to combat high blood pressure that threatens their health.
Stress, overweight, excess salt … to fight against these risk factors and regain control of their tension, for three months, Josiane, Frédérique et Emmanuel will have to change their life habits and get out of their comfort zone thanks to amazing experiences, simple and natural methods and inspiring meetings with stars, like Louis Bertignac. A medical and scientific adventure to learn how to naturally lower hypertension.
High blood pressure affects 17 million people in France, one in three adults. This “silent killer” can evolve for years without the slightest sign of alert. And when it manifests itself, its consequences are often dramatic. High blood pressure is responsible for myocardial infarction and is the first risk factor for stroke.
Hypertension is not inevitable. It is possible to improve blood pressure by adopting better lifestyle. This is what decided to do Josiane, Frédérique et Emmanuel with the help of Navy Lorphelingeneral practitioner, who mobilized a team of experts for them.
At 64, Josiane is a fulfilled grandmother. But four years ago, during a visit to her general practitioner, she discovers that she suffers from hypertension. For his doctor, his overweight is the culprit all designated. Today, Josiane fears the consequences of this disease and wants to act on her way of life to see her grandchildren grow. And for that, it must absolutely lose weight!
Hypertension could have cost Emmanuel’s life, 56 years old. Four years ago, this father narrowly escaped death after a stroke. Since this alert, he must take several drugs every day to control his tension. But because of stress and too high consumption of alcohol, he continues to put his health in danger.
Frédérique, 37, discovered that she was suffering from hypertension at the time of her pregnancy eight years ago. After years of denial, she recently decided to act on her sleep, because every night she sleeps very badly, and on her consumption of salt, far too high.