Pancreas cancer: 16,000 new cases in France in 2023… Why are the cases of this disease.

Pancreas cancer: 16,000 new cases in France in 2023… Why are the cases of this disease.

From 2010 to 2023, the incidence of pancreatic cancers experienced a sharp increase in France, with an average annual increase of almost 2 %. Obesity, pesticides, smoking … The causes to incriminate are as uncertain as it is multiple.

The figures have something to worry about. Pancreas cancer is progressing in France, “mostly among people over 50” according to the National Cancer Institute (INCa).

Between 2010 and 2023, its incidence rate (the percentage of cases reduced to the whole population) increased on average by 1.6 % in men each year and by 2.1 % in women. Result: 15,991 new cases in 2023 in the country, still according to the Inca. But what are the causes of this increase?

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According to Center Léon Bérard (CLB), in Lyon, “obesity and pancreatic cancer are strongly associated”. A 2018 study determined that a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 is a proven risk factor. An evolution of the BMI of 5 kg/m² even causes an increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer estimated at 14 %.

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However, “obesity continues to increase at a rapid pace,” said the health insurance site. From 1997 to 2020, it increased from 8.5 % to 17 % of adults, was multiplied by more than 4 among 18-24 year olds and by almost 3 among 25-34 year olds.


According to a study published on November 25, 2024 in theEuropean Journal of Epidemiologywe observe in France “an association, although small, between the index of exposure to pesticides and the incidence of pancreatic adenocarcinoma over the period studied”. In other words, the populations most exposed to pesticides are also the most affected by pancreatic cancer, namely Paris, center of France and the Mediterranean coast.

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These data question in an increasingly marked context of distrust of pesticides. However, according to Nature France, “sales of phytosanitary products for agricultural use increased by 14 % between the period 2009-2011 and the period 2018-2020”.

Other factors

On the CITE du CLB, we read that “smoking is the main environmental risk factor recognized for pancreatic cancer” and that “alcohol consumption increases the risk […] At least 15 % among drinkers consuming more than 25 g/day “. Red meat could also be involved but” the results are contradictory and studies are not unanimous on the existence of a link “.

The AGRESTE statistics department, however, notes a stagnation of the consumption of red meat in France between 2000 and 2024. Tobacco that also stagnates, while that of alcohol is decreasing. Uncertainty therefore always hovers on the causes of the incidence of pancreatic cancer.

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