One of the best specialized hospitals in the world is in Lorraine

To combat cancer and relieve patients, there are innovative and hopeful research projects. The Lorraine Cancer Institute, in Vandeuvre-lès-Nancy, is in the 2025 ranking of the best hospitals specializing in oncology in the world, according to American magazine Newsweek.
One of the best hospitals specializing in oncology (or oncology) in the world is in Lorraine. It is the Lorraine Cancer Institute (ICL), in Vandeuvre-lès-Nancy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle. Created in 1924, over 100 years ago, this establishment is one of the oldest CRLCC (Regional Cancer Centers) in France. It was based on the model of the Institut Curie de Paris, under the direction of Professor Alexis Vautrin (1859-1927), an eminent doctor whose center will bear the name between 1976 and 2013.
At the forefront of innovation, the ICL offers several programs to improve the quality of life of patients. Like meditation sessions, intended for women with breast cancer. The MAEVA program (for meditation, acceptance, and commitment to values), thus aims to reduce their symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression. “”It is a mindfulness meditation program of three renewable sessions, about an hour and a half. He was born in our institute and received a prize awarded by the Ribbon Rose association in 2024. Now, he will be able to be deployed in several institutes in France “explains Professor Jean-Louis Merlin, director of the ICL research and innovation center.
Another innovative treatment already implemented at the Lorraine Cancer Institute, photobiomodulation. This method of light treatment, not invasive and not painful, makes it possible to treat the side effects induced in particular by radiotherapy. “Photobiomodulation consists in exposing the parts of the body to light that suffered from rays or side effects of treatments. It will promote healing, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It is extremely interesting especially in the case of cancers of the upper or gynecological aerodigestive tracks “details Professor Jean-Louis Merlin.
The 2025 ranking of the “best specialized hospitals in the world”, published on September 23, 2024 by the American magazine Newsweek, located it in 125ᵉ world place on the 300 hospitals represented. The establishment also rises at 1re Place in the Grand Est and in 8ᵉ position of the best French hospitals specializing in oncology. In addition, the ICL is the 5ᵉ Center for the fight against cancer in France after the Gustave Roussy Institute, the Institut Curie, the Lyonnais Center Léon Bérard and the Marseille Institute Paoli Calmette.
One of the best hospitals specializing in oncology (or oncology) in the world is in Lorraine. It is the Lorraine Cancer Institute (ICL), in Vandeuvre-lès-Nancy, in Meurthe-et-Moselle.
© Alexandre Marchi / Maxppp
This ranking is a remarkable recognition of the expertise and commitment of our medical teams to cancer patients
Pr Didier Peiffert, radiotherapist oncologist and managing director of the ICL
A distinction that Professor Didier Peiffert, Radiotherapist and CEO of the ICL, in a statement: “This ranking is a remarkable recognition of the expertise and commitment of our medical teams to cancer patients. It also highlights their work and their notoriety in research activities intended to accelerate access to therapeutic innovations and new strategies (…) This place confirms and obliges us in the continuation and deployment of efforts to work together at the service of patients “.
In France, cancers represent the leading cause of death in men, the second in women, and strike more and more young patients. In 2023, the total number of new cancer cases is estimated at 433,000, according to Public Health France, a number that has doubled since 1990. Prostate cancer remains the most frequent in humans, followed by lung cancer and Colorectal. In women, breast cancer is the most widespread, followed by colorectal cancer and lung. If there are more and more cancer cases, the mortality rate has been constantly decreasing for 25 years (around 160,000 deaths in France in 2021), according to the International Center for Cancer Research (Circ) .
Health professionals highlight the importance of screening.
© Alexandre Marchi / Maxppp
We can now detect cancer cells and tumor DNA thanks to a simple blood test
Pr Jean-Louis Merlin, director of the ICL research and innovation center
With 16,999 patients followed in 2023 (last assessment revealed by the establishment), including 4,797 new patients the same year, the Lorraine cancer Institute, recognized as a public utility, takes care of any patient with suspicion or certainty of cancer. “We can now detect cancer cells and tumor DNA thanks to a simple blood test. This makes it possible to diagnose many cancers earlier and less invasive. Screening is essential to better treat cancer and increase the chances of healing “concludes the director of the ICL research and innovation center.