Frenchman Serge Atlaoui, sentenced to death in Indonesia, took off for France, “a victory”, according to his lawyer

Frenchman Serge Atlaoui, sentenced to death in Indonesia, took off for France, “a victory”, according to his lawyer

The 61 -year -old was sentenced to capital punishment in Indonesia in 2007 for drug trafficking.


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Serge Atlaoui in Tangerang (Indonesia), February 4, 2025. (Bay Ismoyo / AFP)

After nineteen years in prison, Serge Atlaoui took off Tuesday, February 4 for France, announced to AFP I Nyoman Gede Surya Mataram, head at the Indonesian ministry in charge of legal affairs and human rights. Arrested in November 2005, this 61 -year -old French national today had been sentenced to death in Indonesia in 2007 for drug trafficking. His lawyer, Richard Sédillot, joined by AFP, said he was from France “Particularly happy” of his return and “Rejoiced that the fight we have led by the victory of life over death”.

Escorted by three French police officers, Serge Atlaoui must land in Paris on Wednesday morning. He will then be led to the Bobigny court (Seine-Saint-Denis), said Franceinfo the Bobigny prosecutor’s office, where his incarceration in France will be notified in execution of his sentence. Then he will be transferred to a penitentiary establishment added the prosecution, without giving details to the place of detention.

Before taking his plane, Serge Atlaoui folded on a last obligation: a press conference in which this Indonesian official and the French ambassador, Fabien Penone took part. Sitting, mask on the mouth and black cap, the French dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt remained silent throughout the conference. “On behalf of the French authorities, I would like to thank the Indonesian authorities for their cooperation”said the French ambassador.

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