The Marronnier of India: The King of Traffic!

The Marronnier of India: The King of Traffic!


India brown is a plant that is particularly indicated as soon as a balance must be found in the management of liquids of the body in general (blood, lymph and water …).

This plant also has an anti-edematous effect. If there is edema or water retention, the brown will reduce the permeability of the veins. It will prevent liquids in circulation from ending up in the tissues in an abnormal way. This plant also has astringent and decongestant properties that can help for hemorrhoid problems.

Thanks to the brown of India, in the event of venous insufficiency, the lower limbs are less swollen, the veins are less inflamed, less deformed and the blood circulates better through the veins.

It is also a good decongestant in terms of prostate: hypertrophy is frequent today in inactive humans: the sitting position creates a venous stasis. In humans with a sedentary life and suffering from adenoma, the brown of India can therefore decongest the area.

It is also used in the event of male infertility by varicocele: India brown allows an improvement in the quality of sperm, hence its first -line recommendation for people who do not wish to surgery.

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