After a stock shortage, the arrival of new doses will allow the vaccination against flu vaccination campaign

After a stock shortage of flu vaccines, new doses were received by the pharmacy of the François Dunan hospital center. The vaccination campaign continues until the end of the month. Just like the one against the covid 19.
In the archipelago too, the campaign against seasonal flu is extended until the end of the month. After several weeks without any dose available in the territory, the situation was regularized. “We received a new endowment of vaccines following the extension of the vaccination campaign until the end of February”explains Antoine Grimault, pharmacist at the pharmacist of the François Dunan hospital center.
Read also: several hundred doses of seasonal flu vaccine delivered to Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
It is therefore possible again to benefit from the flu vaccine. The COVVI-19 vaccine is also available in the territory.
The explanations of Marie-Paule Vidal and Jérôme Anger: