Pollution kills and poisons us – đź”´ Libertarian info

Pollution kills and poisons us – đź”´ Libertarian info

Pollution costs us dearly in terms of mortality or in terms of public health. According to Public Health France, we are around 40,000 deaths due to exposure to fine particles and nitrogen dioxide. Lung cancer, stroke, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, broncho-pneumopathy, myocardial infarction etc. would cause a cost of 16 billion euros per year. Can we also encrypt the cost of a life? In short, pollution generates many deadly pathologies. And it is children who are mainly affected by exposure to fine particles that penetrate deep into the body. Road traffic emits nitrogen dioxide with the consequences, especially in urban areas, many cases of asthma in children but also in adults. We know that atmospheric concentrations in fine particles and nitrogen dioxide should be reduced in order to reduce the deaths and diseases caused by them. We know the solutions to be implemented: free public transport, secure cycle paths to be established in the city and on the outskirts, promoting electric cars by reducing costs for purchase, awareness of the preservation of the environment, etc. It should not be believed that the rural environment is spared because the spreads are also caused by many pathologies.

A petition was launched this Tuesday, February 4, 2025 to request the ban on aspartame (a sweetener), an additive “perhaps carcinogenic for humans”, according to WHO.

The petition is at the initiative of the Foodwatch NGO, the Cancer League and the Nutrition Application Yuka.

According to Foodwatch, aspartame is present in more than 6000 products and especially those so-called lightened like certain sodas without sugars, 0% yogurts or chewing gums and energy drinks. In 2023, the World Health Organization classified aspartame as “perhaps carcinogenic for humans”. This means that a serious doubt remains after many surveys and studies. The latter have also noted risks linked to diabetes or even premature deliveries related to aspartame consumption.

Foodwatch had already alerted, last October, consumers of the dangers for the health of generalized mercury contamination raised in tuna boxes at European level and revealed by a survey by the NGO Bloom “poison in fish. Chronicle of a public health scandal ”.

Mercury is one of the ten most worrying substances in the world according to the World Health Organization, such as asbestos or arsenic. Carcinogen etc.

Scientific work on certain PFAS (Sub-and polyfluoroalkylas) known as they can have deleterious effects for humans: increase in cholesterol levels, cancers, effects on fertility and development of the fetus, on the liver , on the kidneys, etc. Today researchers come up against the fact that the chemical industry limits the availability of reference standards and if scientists do not have samples of great purity of these chemicals, they cannot study their toxic effects impartially. And thus protect the population and the environment against this chemical pollution.

Recently, the Senate voted for the derogatory reintroduction of a neonicotinoid (acetamipride) in order to fight supposedly to lift the constraints linked to the exercise of the farmer’s profession. The producers of sugar beets will be happy, the beekeepers a little less and the bees even less. We have known the harmful effects of neonicotinoids on pollinators, aquatic environments and insects for years. Pain lost. The consequences of pesticides on our health and the collapse of the living are no longer to be demonstrated. Neonicotinoids are endocrine and neurotoxic disruptors. We know it, and yet politicians continue to serve the interests of agrobusiness firms.

Another text, this time, approved by deputies, opens the way to spreading phytosanitary products by air. The volatility of these products may cause health problems to local residents of agricultural areas.

Again, we come up against conflicts of interest with manufacturers and the agro-food. We have to awaken consciences and fight against those who play with our health in order to force their shareholders. Against those who harm biodiversity. With all that is cited above, we note that economic interests take precedence over people’s health, scientific knowledge and environmental issues. It is up to us to note the names of senators and deputies who vote laws that harm our health. They can’t say they didn’t know. They will report sooner or later for their misdeeds.

Patoche (GLJD)

Source: Le-libertaire.net

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