Watch out for this new fatal challenge on Tiktok

Watch out for this new fatal challenge on Tiktok

The dangerous challenges in the playground are not a new phenomenon, but their spread has become all the more uncontrollable with the advent of social networks. To try to win the race for views and popularity, the youngest users of these platforms sometimes go so far as to risk death. A new trend that has already caused a victim in the United States has just arrived in Europe. Presented as a simple physical resistance competition, the “Paracetamol Challenge”Is actually an extremely dangerous challenge to which children and the adolescent must be made aware as soon as possible.

Alerts launched in France and Belgium

In mid-January, the Belgian anti-pisison center launched a first alert following the arrival of the challenge in Europe. From now on, it is the turn of the French academic inspection to take the lead. Here Normandy (formerly France Bleu) reports that an email shared by the Calvados academic inspection came to warn parents of students at the start of the week.

The rules of “Paracetamol Challenge”Put young users to consume a maximum of doses of the drug, with the aim of resisting as much as possible or obtaining a long stay in the hospital. This molecule present in almost all households is as beneficial as it can be fatal. Failure to comply with maximum doses can cause heavy after-effects, especially among the youngest.

An overdose that puts the liver in jeopardy

Beyond the recommended doses, paracetamol is capable of causing irreversible liver lesions. And unfortunately, The younger children, the greater the risks”Specifies the Belgian anti -poison center. For an adult, the dose not to be exceeded is set at 3 grams, a rate widely exceeded by adolescents taking part in “Paracetamol Challenge“.

The email of the academic inspection also recalls that the misuse of this molecule is still today “The first cause of liver liver transplant in France in France“. Despite the awareness of students, these are the signs to be monitored among the youngest in the event of suspicion of overdose:

  • Vomiting
  • Stomach ache
  • Jaundice

The academic inspection acts as a preventive basis since no cases has yet been reported in France. However, it is recommended to communicate with the young people around him in order to prevent any tragedy. To the slightest doubt of participation in “Paracetamol Challenge“, It is recommended to call 15 or to contact the local anti -pisison center as soon as possible. The contact details of the anti -poison centers are available on their official website.

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