A new robot to destroy tumors through the skin at the Toulouse University Hospital, the first in Occitania

The Toulouse University Hospital Center (CHU) has just equipped itself with a new surgical robot. It helps destroy pulmonary and abdominal tumors in a mini-invasive way, through the skin. This type of device is the first in the Occitanie region.
Recently, the Toulouse University Hospital Center (CHU) has been one of the 15 centers around the world that use the Epione® robot to treat the lung and abdomen tumors early. Since its installation, 7 patients have been treated, the first in Occitania (there are currently 5 centers equipped in France).
This robotic platform, proposed by the company Quantum Surgical, makes it possible to precisely target tumors thanks to surgical assistance to visualize the area to be treated, to properly position the needle through the skin to the tumor, and to know if the tumor was destroyed. This mini-invasive radiological intervention aims to destroy the cancer cell by hot or cold. The process can sometimes be long and difficult if the tumors are small and poorly located, hence the interest of this assistance.
The Toulouse University Hospital acquired Epione® as part of its Starthu* plan (Strategic Plan for Robotic and Technological Assistance Interventional Hospital-University) to develop robotization in its establishments.