Winter plan or not, the pharmacy is in CRAN

Winter plan or not, the pharmacy is in CRAN

Although this summer announced this summer distribution measures desired by the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) as part of the winter plan and the actions of industrialists did not necessarily have the expected effect. In the middle of a boom of epidemics, it is always difficult to obtain certain molecules such as clarithromycin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, ooseltamivir.

Shortages that exceed the winter setting

In addition, many other drugs, excluding seasonal pathologies, have also been in tension for weeks. “” We have lifts on Trulicity, Rifadine, Vitamin B12 “Explains Pierre-Olivier Variot, President of the Union of Unions of Frame Pharmacists (USPO). Other pharmacists face tensions or ruptures on Hydrocortancyl, Zithromax, vitamin A in ophthalmic ointment, prednisolone. “” There is no way to know in advance which specialties will be impacted. We move blindly by sticking breaches permanently “, Continues Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France (FSPF).

12 hours per week

Faced with these tensions, pharmacists must redouble their efforts to compensate for ruptures. Last year, the USPO estimated at 12 noon the time spent looking for solutions. “” Concretely, on a daily basis, this results in an increased workload: search for alternatives, management of stretched stocks, explanations for worried patients and constant negotiations with wholesalers-reparters to try to obtain the most requested drugs “Explains Pierre-Olivier Variot. Las, despite the energy deployed, certain exchanges do not succeed. “” We are for example in tension on praluent. In mid-December, we had two boxes for the entire department », Lands Xavier Schneider, holder in Truchtersheim (Bas-Rhin).

A post-Cavid crisis that persists

From the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply of drugs has deteriorated considerably. The health crisis has highlighted the fragility of global supply chains and European dependence on pharmaceutical raw materials produced in Asia. This situation, combined with increased demand for certain treatments, has led to lasting tensions on many essential drugs.

Logistical difficulties, fluctuations in raw material prices and new health regulations have extended production and delivery times, further complicating the situation.

Unexplained shortages

In addition, certain ruptures remain without explanation. Regarding quetiapine, particularly in tension in recent weeks, Pierre-Olivier Variot specifies: “ We learned that there was a problem on the production chain of the Greek manufacturer. For other drugs, we have no explanations, we suffer like patients. »

A situation under close surveillance

The ANSM continues to regularly publish the list of drugs breaking or in tension and implements corrective measures. However, despite these efforts, the ruptures persist and complicate the work of pharmacists, on the front line to manage the crisis and reassure patients.

Beyond the pharmacy, this problem relaunches the question of the necessary relocation of the production of drugs in France and in Europe.

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