This awareness campaign wants to raise taboo on colorectal cancer and encourage screening

Screening of colorectal cancer makes it possible to save lives: in 9 cases out of 10, this cancer can be healed, yet only 34% of the population is tested.
On the occasion of World Cancer Day, Vincent Valitucq recalls the importance of screening for colorectal cancer.
In Hello! The morning TF1, the doctor tells us about the new unusual awareness campaign of the Arc Foundation to raise awareness.
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Good morning ! The morning TF1
It is the third most frequent cancer in humans after those of prostate and lung and the most frequent second cancer in women after that of the breast. “”Each year it affects more than 47,000 people in France (including around 26,000 men and 21,000 women). He is responsible for more than 17,000 deaths per year“, Recalls the National Cancer Institute. However, only 34 % of the population concerned is tested. Why? The explanations of Doctor Vincent Valitucq in Hello! The morning TF1 (new window).
Colorectal cancer: risk factors, symptoms, which should alert you
Colorectal cancer, a still taboo subject
The health insurance site explains that colorectal cancer is “A malignant tumor of the mucosa (internal wall) of the colon or rectum” And that 40 % of cancers touch the rectum and 60 % the colon. According to a study carried out by the ARC Foundation, if the population concerned is reluctant to be tested, it is because it is, always, a taboo subject for one French out of two aged 45 and more . Other reasons: fear of results, embarrassment or disgust. However, as Doctor Vincent Valitucq recalls, “In nine out of ten cases, when colorectal cancer is detected early, it allows you to be cured “. Hence the importance of awareness, but also to lift taboos.
Serious subject, light treatment
This is the objective of the new CRA Foundation campaign launched on the occasion of World Cancer Day. His slogan? “”Don’t let go as long as they let go !”. “An unprecedented communication campaign that should make you smile, but above all make people think about the importance of colorectal cancer screening and push our loved ones“Explains the Foundation for Research on Cancer on its site. With its mascot, Mr Popo, and an uninhibited tone, the Foundation hopes to do colorectal screening”A natural and accessible gesture, without taboo or discomfort“. Objective: no longer hide the famous blue envelope given by the doctor.”It’s simple, if there is one of your loved ones who doesn’t really want to go and do his little test, you register. Mr. Popo will regularly send him little humor messages, small videos, to remind him that it is important“Explains Vincent Valitucq. Of course, it is always with the authorization of the person concerned.
Cancer, my prevention testSource : Bonjour !
Who is affected by this screening?
Today, only 34.2 % of eligible people participate in organized screening. For the record, the national objective is set at 65 %. The elderly are concerned between 50 and 74 years old, without symptoms and without history. The test is to search for blood in the stool. If the test comes back positive (about 4 %), this does not necessarily mean cancer. “”If blood is found, colonoscopy is carried out. It highlights polyps or adenomas, before they degenerate into cancer or diagnose colorectal cancer at a little evolved stage“, Underlines the health insurance site. The more detected colorectal cancer, the less the treatments are heavy and above all the more the chances of healing are high.