“Let’s make kidney transplants from donor living an absolute priority”

“Let’s make kidney transplants from donor living an absolute priority”

Au middle of the XXe A century, France opened the way and gave impetus to renal transplant and, in particular, from a living donor. In the early 2000s, the momentum seems to have slowed heavily and the spirit of innovation, the courage and daring of the pioneers of renal transplantation stumbled on hospital governance which have more and more difficulty in prioritizing Activities related to transplants.

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The renal transplant with living donor no longer appears as an engine of progress for our patients. Our country is today relegated to the middle of the European peloton, behind the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Sweden. In the United Kingdom, for example, there are almost twice more than in France, for the same number of inhabitants; A poor performance that questions. The needs have not changed, quite the contrary: every day, in France, two to three people registered on the national waiting list die for lack of grafts. The renal transplant, which represents 62 % of all the transplants carried out in the CHUs of our country, is the most penalized by the shortage of grafts.

These figures increase very quickly because almost one in ten French people are today concerned by a kidney disease and the number of patients affected by a chronic terminal renal failure (IRCT) is also increasing. According to the biomedicine agency, in 2022, 10,975 new patients were treated for this pathology. IRCT, which will be 4e Cause of death in the world in 2040, is more than ever a real public health issue.

Added to this are two burdens: dialysis, which is an essential solution to preserve the lives of patients awaiting transplant, is binding and severely impact their quality of life. It is also an economic chasm, with a constant cost in increase (more than 3 billion euros per year for health insurance according to the Senate Social Affairs Committee in March 2020). These two elements justify that, in most cases, dialysis is only a temporary solution, and that kidney transplant remains the best of IRC medical treatments [insuffisance rénale chronique] For eligible patients.

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