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Eight French people pass the pitfall of PQ1 at Léry-Poses, in Eure

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If the victory at Léry-Poses (27) went to the Czech Jiri Zuska (-15) ahead of the American Josh Goldenberg (-11), the French Galaad Hoarau, Franck Daux, Adrien Bonnet, Jérôme Lando-Casanova, Hermes Ferchaud, Nathan Legendre, Augustin Holé and Victor Trehet validate their ticket for the PQ2 which will take place in Spain (October 31-November 3) on four different sites.

Previously scheduled to end this Friday, the French stage of the PQ1 of European Cards organized in Léry-Poses (27) delivered its verdict late Saturday morning. Heavy rain seriously disrupted the tournament, with barely half of the field, for example, managing to play eighteen holes on Tuesday during the first round.

Find the complete ranking

In the lead after 54 holes, the experienced Franck Daux32 years old, in possession of partial playing rights this season on the Challenge Tourfinished in sixth place at -9 in the company of the resident of Pro Golf Tour, Gilead Hoarau. Former member of the European Tour, Jérôme Lando-Casanova grabs the top 10 (9th to -8) with Adrien Bonnet.

Also qualified among the first 21 and tied for the PQ2 (October 31-November 3) Hermes Ferchaud, Nathan Legendre, Augustin Holé (16th to -6) as well as Victor Trehet (21st to -5).

The PQ3 scheduled for November 8 to 13 in Tarragona

However, this does not pass for Victor Rio, Franck Medals, Maxime Legros or even Jérémy Gandonwho all failed within one shot of the “promised land”, in 27th position at -4. 27 French golfers were at the start this week!

We remind you that the final of the European Cards (PQ3) will take place from November 8 to 13 in Tarragona (Spain) on the two courses of theInfinitum Golf Lakes.

The final leaderboard and the qualifiers for PQ2

Photo : Angel Martinez/Getty Images


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