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Léa Salamé discusses the fears that some France Télévisions bosses had before the Paralympic Games

After the Olympic Games, Paris is now welcoming the athletes of the Paralympic Games. A few weeks after the exploits of Léon Marchand, Teddy Riner and Manon Apithy-Brunet, new names are thrilling French fans. Alexis Hanquinquant, Charles Noakes and even Aurélie Aubert are among the stars of these Paralympic Games. In great enthusiasm for a competition that is normally less followed, and which takes place in the middle of the school year. Guest of What GamesDominique Farrugia did not hide her surprise, just like Léa Salamé, proud of this interest.

Dominique Farrugia skeptical about the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games

This Tuesday, September 3, the former Nul was present on the set of What Games with para-athletes. He gave his opinion on the excitement surrounding these Games.I was totally skeptical, I must admit. […] and little by little, I got into it and it’s crazy. And these Paralympic Games, the cohesion with the public, the people who encourage you, the people who are there, it’s crazy. It was the start of the school year yesterday, there are people! There are people, it’s crazy!“, confides Dominique Farrugia. A state of mind shared by Léa Salamé who revealed that even at France Télévisions, no one expected this.

Léa Salamé reveals the bosses’ surprise ahead of the Paralympic Games

In response to Dominique Farrugia, the host of What Games said that this enthusiasm impresses him.I am also amazed to see how many people there are every evening even though it is the start of the school year, it is the start of the school year, people are working. […] Every night, there are a crazy crowd, as many as during the Olympics, no less, here at the France club. It’s crazy“, declares Léa Salamé before revealing that such audiences were not planned on the France Télévisions side.”France Télévisions audience ratings, Before the start of the Paralympics, I saw some bosses who said: ‘Well, it won’t be the Olympics…’ They were preparing us that the ratings might not be good.. And well the audiences are super good, really incredible, from morning to night.“, she concluded. These Paralympic Games have truly defied the statistics.


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