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“There is no shift to the right among citizens, but rather to the political and media scene” – Libération


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2024 legislative electionsdossier

For the sociologist, author of the book “La Droitisation française, mythe et réalités” to be published on September 4, the results of the last elections show that the conservative values ​​conveyed during the campaigns are out of step with society.

This is the book to put in the hands of Emmanuel Macron and the political leaders who refuse to hear the victory of the New Popular Front in the last legislative elections and who pose as obvious the idea that France is moving to the right. There are many, political leaders and editorialists relying on the scores of the National Rally, to affirm this leaning to the right, the desire of a society for a return to the conservative and traditional values ​​of the right – rejection of immigration, family, order, merit. In a book to be published on September 4, French Right-Wing: Myth and Reality (PUF), sociologist and professor at Sciences-Po Bordeaux Vincent Tiberj deconstructs this discourse. While he already expects a trial of naivety, the researcher defends the thesis, with statistical data to support it, of a shift to the right not of citizens but of the political and media scene, out of step with a society that is more tolerant than half a century ago.

Have you sent your book to Emmanuel Macron, who spent seven years chasing votes from the right?

I don’t know [rires]. Macronists and right-wing politicians


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