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Lucas Mazur’s gold finale

Published on 02/09/2024 21:56

Video length: 1 min

Paralympics 2024: Lucas Mazur’s golden final
Paralympics 2024: Lucas Mazur’s golden final
(france 2)

After his success in the parabadminton final on Monday 2 September, Lucas Mazur retained his title of Paralympic champion.

Medalist twice during the day. In the morning in bronze, in the evening in gold. Lucas Mazur will remember for a long time this September 2nd when he shone. Crowned three years ago in Tokyo in a calmer atmosphere, the native of Saint-Jean-de-Braye (Loiret) this time offered himself a Paralympic double in a crazy atmosphere in Paris, Monday September 2nd.

Entered in a category that includes players who play standing but suffer from a disability in one or both lower limbs, Lucas Mazur concluded an exceptional day on an individual level in the best possible way. He overcame his disability through sport. He suffered a stroke at the age of three which caused stiffness in his right ankle. A success that makes him a golden man.


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