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In Haute-Vienne, 13,850 middle school students returned to school in an uncertain context

Level groups, “ban” on cell phones, resigning minister… This year, the start of the school year is also a very political one. In Haute-Vienne, the Department says it is calm while evoking an unprecedented and tense context.

A little over 2,000 euros: this is the sum that the Haute-Vienne department will devote this year to each middle school student. A sizeable investment, worthy of the challenge: middle schools represent, along with social issues, one of the community’s main skills.

The president of the departmental council therefore willingly sacrificed to the institutional ritual of the start of the school year, by visiting two establishments yesterday: the Ronsard college, in the La Bastide district of Limoges, then the Rochechouart college. The opportunity for Jean-Claude Leblois to give this 2024 start of the school year a more political meaning than usual.

“Without a full minister, without a political direction”

“It’s a somewhat unprecedented start to the school year, we have to admit,” says the elected representative from Haute-Vienne. “Without a full minister, without a political direction… However, if everything is going well, it is thanks to the professionalism of the teams, teachers and agents. The stability of the communities plays an essential role in this period of uncertainty where we have every reason to fear new budget cuts for National Education.”

Preserving jobs… and good food

In this tense context, the Department wants to be reassuring. There is no question of touching the 300 or so jobs financed by the department and which concern all the positions essential to daily life in the establishments: reception, maintenance, kitchen, green spaces, etc.

“Our agents are essential cogs that must be preserved. At a time when some departments do not hesitate to entrust maintenance and lunchtime catering to private companies, we are focusing on good food, quality, jobs, and the best possible territorial coverage.”

Banning cell phones, “a funny announcement”

What about the measures announced or confirmed a few days ago by the resigning Minister of National Education, Nicole Belloubet? “Announcing the ban on mobile phones in middle schools is a bit funny. Everything already exists today in the regulations so that students do not use their phones. It is written in the 2018 law. Why is it a failure?

Perhaps due to a lack of personnel precisely. But it is not up to the departments to compensate,” continues Jean-Claude Leblois, who recalls the figure put forward by the association of French departments: 130 million euros would be necessary to equip the 7,000 middle schools in France with safety deposit boxes, something unthinkable for local authorities.

Highly criticized level groups

Finally, even if it is not its direct competence, the department recalls in passing its skepticism regarding the establishment of level groups.

“It’s a concept that doesn’t work,” explain Stéphane Destruhaut and Bernadette Troubat, departmental councilors and members of the board of directors of Ronsard College, where a motion of disagreement was adopted. “The establishments set up these groups themselves so as not to have them imposed on them, but this measure, which does not correspond to the needs, is particularly poorly received by the educational community.”


– Demographics. 13,850 middle school students are starting their school year in Haute-Vienne this year, compared to 14,474 last year. This downward trend, in line with national demographic trends, is expected to continue in the coming years. For the time being, there are still places available in all establishments.

– Establishments. Students are welcomed in 34 public colleges including six mixed cities (college/high school). jobs.

– Jobs. 296 jobs are funded by the department for the operation of the colleges, to which must be added twenty replacement agents recruited according to specific geographical sectors to ensure a balanced territorial network.

– Operating budget. It represents 9.03 million euros, assumed by the department. 787,000 euros are devoted to helping families in difficulty.

– Investment. 10 million euros are allocated to works, digital and material resources. In total, the department of Haute-Vienne spends each year 2,095 euros on average per middle school student.

Florence Clavaud-Parant


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