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VIDEO – “L’œil vif, le poil brillante”: Philippe Caverivière in good shape, his very personal welcome to Thomas Sotto on RTL

A return that did not go unnoticed! This Monday, September 2, loyal RTL listeners were happy to see Philippe Caverivière again, who officially returned after a long summer vacation. For his mood piece, the station’s comedian unsurprisingly discussed political news, starting with the appointment of the Prime Minister, but not only that. He also referred to the arrival of Thomas Sotto on RTL’s morning show. And the least we can say is that he gave the journalist a unique welcome!

Commenting on the arrival of Yves Calvi’s replacement, Philippe Caverivière compared him to his Australian Shepherd: “I acquired a sublime Australian Shepherd, Virgile, whose mission is to gather sheep and bring them to their destination. This is where I see a canine parallel between my dog’s mission and that of Thomas Sotto on RTL’s morning show” he said. “You are our Australian Shepherd of information, with a bright eye, a shiny coat, and a playful side. I only invite you not to wag your tail when you are happy. Other famous journalists from TF1 have done it and it was poorly received…” he stressed, shocking the morning show crew. Philippe Caverivière concluded his column by continuing with a canine metaphor: “Yves Calvi must regret not having urinated here and there in the studio, that might have prevented Thomas from taking his place.“A column that did not fail to make Thomas Sotto smile.

>> PHOTOS – Léa Salamé, Pascal Praud, Anne-Sophie Lapix…. discover the journalists when they were younger

Léa Salamé and Raphaël Glucksmann: Philippe Caverivière has a field day with their relationship

Alongside his columns on RTL, Philippe Caverivière is also present on the show What a time! broadcast every Saturday evening on France 2. Last June, the comedian took advantage of the news of the European elections to attack Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the Place Publique list and incidentally companion of Léa Salamé. Pretending not to know the identity of the person who shares the host’s life, Philippe Caverivière wondered which candidate she was in a relationship with or rather “in shared accommodation ++, by first proposing a photomontage of it with Jean Lassalle.

Enough to make the person concerned laugh, especially since Philippe Caverivière assured that it was a “stolen photo that will be in Here is next week [allusion à cette image volée par la presse people d’elle et de Raphaël Glucksmann s’embrassant, alors qu’elle était déjà engagée auprès d’un autre homme, NDLR]”. Still in the form of a quiz – to guess the name of his companion –, the comedian affirmed that with the 69-year-old politician, Léa Salamé shared a passion for alcohol, before mentioning the possibility that the latter was in a relationship with Francis Lalanne. The comedian ended up giving the name of the father of his son Gabriel, estimating that they would have had “love at first sight in the vegetable milk, soy milk, almond milk section.

Photo credits: RTL screenshot


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