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Hiba Abouk’s declaration of intent after a summer marked by scandal

The name of Hiba Abouk (37 years old) has been in the news all summer. Her affair with Álvaro Muñoz Escassi (49 years old) after his controversial breakup with María José Suárez was on the front pages of magazines. While the actress repeated ad nauseam that they were just “good friends”, the jockey confirmed what was an open secret after the couple was caught on holiday first in Tunisia and weeks later in Cádiz.

However, it seems that theirs was a summer love affair, and there has been no sign of them meeting again for weeks. Hiba has been spending her family holidays between Ibiza and Madrid, and Escassi has left the country to travel to Colombia.

With the arrival of September, celebrities say goodbye to their endless holidays to face the new school year with energy. Hiba Abouk did not want to miss the opportunity to make a firm reflection that reflects how she feels and how she faces this new stage of her life after a summer marked by scandal. “A new school year begins… My favorite time of the year!”, the actress begins writing.It is time to rethink everything and redirect our life purpose.It’s time to dream big, have clear objectives and strive every day with discipline and sacrifice. Go for it!”, words full of passion and very clear personal and professional objectives that show that Hiba has decided to leave the past behind and embark on a new direction in her life. She does not intend to let anything or anyone extinguish that innate brilliance that she possesses.

Instagram @hiba_abouk_

Hiba Abouk and Alvaro Muñoz Escassi, together on television

This ‘back to school’ will give us the official presentation between Escassi and Hiba Abouk in front of the cameras. While the official date is still unknown, TVE prepares the premiere of the new season of ‘Masterchef Celebrity’a culinary talent show that was recorded at the beginning of the summer and that led to their first meeting, a connection that went further as could be seen in the images of their vacation in Tunisia.

Hiba is part of the cast of new contestants along with other well-known faces such as Pocholo, María León and Nerea Garmendia, while Escassi visited the kitchens as a former participant.

“Álvaro and I met at work, I really liked him. We also have friends in common, and that has made us coincide more and We have forged a friendship that is nothing more than that, a friendship”said Hiba a few weeks ago about the day they met for the first time. Compliments that the rider himself repeated days later. “She is an impressive woman in every way, Do I like Hiba? Obviously… What a professional and what a good person,” he concluded in statements to ‘¡De viernes!’.

The last confession of Alvaro Muñoz Escassi about Hiba Abouk

It seems that Álvaro and Hiba’s relationship has not come to an end, at least on his part. Journalist Javier de Hoyos revealed this weekend on ‘D Corazón’ that the jockey boasts to his closest group of friends about his romance with Hiba Abouk. “He has told them that he is deeply in love with her,” he confessed.

Taking advantage of the presence on the set of Pelayo Díaz, a close friend of the actress, everyone wanted to know his opinion on the matter. The stylist, who has always tried to stay away from the scandal, assured that he does not know Escassi personally, but he did want to make it very clear that Hiba “is in love with work, with love, with children”. Words in which he makes it clear that there is no room for Escassi in his life, despite the fact that they have had sporadic encounters throughout the summer. “She said it so clearly… why do we have to name things? We don’t have to measure a match to the millimetres. She will be fed up because this is like a tick. I would be tired of not being talked about the projects I do,” he assured.

Only time will tell if the Álvaro Muñoz Escassi and Hiba Abouk deal goes further or remains a nice summer illusion.


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