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Michel Joubert, a leading figure in the urban community, has passed away

In Chaspuzac, the panorama is summed up in three colours: the green of the fields, the greenish black of the volcanic stone of the houses nicely renovated by the commune, and the yellow of the thatched fields at the end of summer.

Today, black predominates. The town wakes up struck by this news: Michel Joubert died last night.

In the small village church, the bells ring out at 10 o’clock; they will ring several times during the day.

Stunned, the deputy mayors and secretaries hastily gathered at the town hall to deal with the most urgent matters.

A great man, literally and figuratively, has passed away. Former departmental councilor, president of the urban community and the Loudes aerodrome association, mayor since 1977 in the town where he lived, Michel Joubert knew how to shake things up.

Despite numerous requests, Michel Joubert never succumbed to the calls of the capital. In the spotlight many times during his various mandates, he was offered senatorial and legislative elections, but he always refused. political games in Paris “, preferring to devote himself to “ to the concrete “, on the ground.

Indeed, Michel Joubert never stopped, always on the lookout for improvements for the town in which he had been elected mayor of Chaspuzac in 1977, at the age of 28, “the youngest on his team”, he liked to joke, recounting the posting of posters in the nights preceding the vote. Indeed, he always put the interests of the town, the urban community and his various responsibilities before his health.

Zoomdici meets one of her friends, a farmer from the commune, today: “ I always yelled at him about it, he didn’t take care of his health. »

Indeed, victim of a serious cycling accident in 1995, he had been transfused and had to undergo tests and transfusions since then. In recent days, he had believed he was being treated too quickly and had to be hospitalized at the Émile Roux hospital, where he died this morning, surrounded by his family.

Of course, when you are in charge, not everything is rosy, and detractors and other accusations (of favouritism, especially) have peppered his career, but Mr Joubert had a great sense of the general interest and knew how to make our territory evolve, we cannot deny it. The Chaspuzac activity zone, the aerodrome and the Mauriac hill reservoir project, for example, have therefore caused a lot of ink to flow…

He endured these assaults, some making him doubt more than others, but he knew how to regain the perspective necessary to continue the various projects that motivated him.


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