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LIVE. New Prime Minister: Thierry Beaudet, President of the CESE, a new hypothesis for a technical government?


The meeting between Emmanuel Macron and François Hollande is over


Thierry Beaudet new favorite for Matignon?

The president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) would be on the short list to replace Gabriel Attal at Matignon according to information from L’Opinion.


François Hollande arrived at the Élysée to meet with Emmanuel Macron


Bernard Cazeneuve and Emmanuel Macron spoke for an hour at the Elysée


Emmanuel Macron “wants to cohabit with himself” according to LFI MEP Manon Aubry

Invited on Europe 1 this Monday, MEP Manon Aubry (LFI) accused the head of state of wanting to “cohabit with himself”, accusing him of refusing what she called a “defeat” in the legislative elections, fifty days earlier, and of striving to “choose” rather than “appoint” the new occupant of Matignon, whom she wanted to be Lucie Castets (NFP).


Marine Le Pen wants Emmanuel Macron to call an extraordinary session of parliament before appointing a prime minister

Marine Le Pen reiterated on Monday her desire to see the head of state call an “extraordinary session of Parliament” before the appointment of a Prime Minister. “What I want is for the National Assembly to be in a position to carry out a censure [d’un nouveau gouvernement] if it is necessary,” she declared on August 26th following a meeting with the Head of State at Matignon.

In an open letter published this Monday, the leader of the National Rally (RN) deputies, Marine Le Pen, calls on the presidents of the parliamentary groups of the National Assembly to “work on a consensual agenda” in order to “obtain from the President of the Republic that he calls an extraordinary session of Parliament”.


Government considers postponing budget vote

This would be a first in the recent history of the Fifth Republic. According to information from Le Monde, the government is considering postponing the vote on the finance bill in Parliament until a new government takes the place of the resigning ministers.


Cazeneuve arrives at the Elysée, Macron launches a day of consultations for Matignon

Former Socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve arrived at the Elysée Palace on Monday morning, the first meeting in a long day of consultations with Emmanuel Macron to secure a nomination for the post of Prime Minister.


Socialist Karim Bouamrane speaks out on the Bernard Cazeneuve hypothesis at Matignon


Olivier Faure announces that the PS will censor “any form of continuity with Macronism”


“It’s a coup against democracy,” says Manon Aubry.


“Mr. Cazeneuve and Mr. Bertrand are more or less defrocked Macronists,” judges Jean-Philippe Tanguy.


Mathilde Panot confirms that LFI will censor a Cazeneuve government

On France 2, Mathilde Panot reaffirmed LFI’s position regarding the Bernard Cazeneuve hypothesis at Matignon: “We will censor any other government that is not led by Lucie Castets.”


François Hollande received at 11am, Nicolas Sarkozy expected shortly after at 12:15pm

Received at 11am, François Hollande should not dissuade Emmanuel Macron from appointing Bernard Cazeneuve unlike Nicolas Sarkozy who is expected at 12:15pm. The former president wants a “right-wing Prime Minister” and believes that Xavier Bertrand would be “a good choice


Bernard Cazeneuve expected at 8:45 a.m. at the Elysée, Xavier Bertrand in the afternoon

Received first at 8:45 a.m., the former socialist Prime Minister is now the favorite to return to Matignon even if nothing has been decided nearly two months after the legislative elections which resulted in a National Assembly without a majority.


François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy will also be received

The two former Presidents are in consultation to find a personality who will not be immediately censored by a majority of deputies.


Emmanuel Macron will receive Bernard Cazeneuve this morning and Xavier Bertrand during the day

Received first at 8:45 a.m., the former socialist Prime Minister is now the favorite to return to Matignon even if nothing has been decided nearly two months after the legislative elections which resulted in a National Assembly without a majority.


Hello and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the negotiations surrounding the appointment of the next Prime Minister.


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