DayFR Euro

accident, record… Who is the para triathlete?

Jules Ribstein is one of the big favourites to bring home a medal.

Frenchman Jules Ribstein became a disabled athlete after being involved in a motorcycle accident in 2008, which resulted in the amputation of his left leg. “JI don’t know if I would have reached the level I am at today if I was able-bodied, but I was on the path to it. Rehabilitation is the most violent and hardest stage, you ask yourself a lot of questions and you don’t want to do what you did before again.” explained the athlete for Welcome to the Jungle. He made his Para triathlon debut at the national championships in 2017 and has since had an immense track record, including being a four-time world champion in his category.I knew I could reach the top level, I just didn’t know how long it would take. Not all people who compete on the international para circuit have been seasoned athletes in the past. For me, it’s not as if I really started three years ago, I had a whole technical and physical background. Everything I had done as an able-bodied person was stored in my body.”


  • 2023 World Championships: Gold medal (PTS2).
  • 2023 European Championships: silver medal (PTS2).
  • 2022 World Championships: Gold Medal (PTS2).
  • 2022 European Championships: silver medal (PTS2).
  • 2021 World Championships: Gold Medal (PTS2).
  • 2021 European Championships: silver medal (PTS2).
  • 2019 World Championships: Gold medal (PTS2).
  • 2019 European Championships: gold medal (PTS2).
  • 2018 World Championships: silver medal (PTS2).
  • 2018 European Championships: 4th place (PTS2).

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