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The Immaculate Conception Church of Saint-Omer ravaged by fire: the bell tower has fallen


Margot Nicodemus

Published on

Sep 2, 2024 at 8:03 AM

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A horrifying vision, as experienced in the past in Rouen and Paris, and which always leaves one speechless. This night of Monday, September 2, a violent fire seized the church of the Immaculate Conceptionnorth of downtown Saint-Omer (Pas-de-Calais). In the early morning, the firefighters are still on site, while the flames brought down the bell tower.

The fire in the Immaculate Conception church in Saint-Omer broke out on Monday around 4 a.m.

According to our colleagues at NRJ Nord Littoral, the fire broke out around 4am. A religious service had been held there on Sunday morning. It is of course too early to determine the causes of the fire.

The building had undergone a major renovation, lasting 4 years, before reopening its doors in 2018. The roof, which can be seen destroyed in the images, was then in danger of collapsing, with “cracks in the ceiling”, reported the deputy mayor of Saint-Omer, Frédéric Sablon at the time. The municipality had committed nearly 5 million euros to give the building a makeover.

More information to come.

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