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Weather forecast for Monday, September 2: a return to school in a short shirt in the east, with a raincoat in the west

Highlights of the day

– passage of a disturbance, with rains in the northwest

– heavy weather in the central regions

– continued high temperatures in the east with some thunderstorms in the mountains in the afternoon


A disturbance brings some rain near the Atlantic. Over a large western half, from the Normandy coast to the Pyrenees, low clouds with a misty appearance are numerous. Towards the east and south, the sun is more easily imposed in the middle of some cumulus clouds.

It is very mild with 17 to 20°C up to 25°C between Corsica and the Côte d’Azur.

Risk of fog Monday morning September 2 © the weather channel


Atlantic rains reach Normandy and the Pays de la Loire. From the north-east to the Jura and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the weather is warm, but it becomes threatening with a risk of thunderstorms. Everywhere else, the morning greyness breaks up and the sky hesitates between clouds and clearings in a rather heavy atmosphere.

Maximum temperatures are down 2 to 3°C compared to Sunday while remaining above seasonal norms. We expect 18 to 20°C under the Breton rains in the west, 24 to 27°C in the central regions and 28 to 31°C east of the Rhône and Saône.

Risk of thunderstorm Monday September 2 © the weather channel


A risk of thunderstorms is building up north of the Seine before declining during the night. In the west, the rains are rapidly easing. Everywhere else, the weather is calm and cloudy and still very mild late on.

Further trend

From Tuesday to Friday, the weather remains conditioned by a cold drop evolving in the vicinity of France with temporarily unstable weather and some occasionally strong thunderstorms. Temperatures continue to drop, especially in the west where they are below normal.


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