“We are part of the furniture”: the tone rises between Nagui, Magali Ripoll and Fabien Haimovici (Don’t forget the words)
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“We are part of the furniture”: the tone rises between Nagui, Magali Ripoll and Fabien Haimovici (Don’t forget the words)

In N’oubliez pas les paroles, Thursday September 12, 2024, Nagui thanked several of his musicians but forgot to mention Magali Ripoll and Fabien Haimovici. Enough to arouse the indignation of the latter.

Screenshots Don’t forget the lyrics / France 2

Magali Ripoll and Fabien Haimovici are two essential figures of Don’t forget the lyrics. The first joined the show in 2007, with a dual role as singer and instrumentalist. Thanks to her talents, but also to her energy and her sense of derision, she was very quickly appreciated by the public. Fabien Haimovici, for his part, joined the show in 2014. In 2018, he confided in his complicity with Nagui, the presenter of the show.There is a lot of interaction between us, because I am on the lookout to react to his requests. As for jokes, we are two big mouths joking on a TV set” he had told Tele-Leisure.

Fabien Haimovici and Magali Ripoll too often forgotten by Nagui?

This Thursday, September 12, despite this good understanding between the two men, the tone has risen In Don’t forget the lyrics. Nagui indeed thanked several of his musicians for their interpretation of Before youoriginally sung by Vitaa and Slimane. But he forgot to mention Fabien Haimovici, who waved his arms to get noticed.I was obsessed with girls, including Manu. Stop being jealous“, justified Nagui. But Fabien Haimovici was supported by Magali Ripoll.”Oh you know, we are part of the furniture eh. Because sometimes you forget me too, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t make any more signs” she commented.

Nagui justifies himself at length

But what’s wrong?“, Nagui protested.Yes yes, yes yes, but it doesn’t matter“, replied Magali Ripoll. The host then justified himself further: “But stop. Honestly, when I highlight a participation or a presence, it is because it touched me, it moved me.“. Not enough to calm his musician, who said: “We know that we haven’t done much to you for a long time.“. And Magali Ripoll added: “You touch one without moving the other, that’s it.“.

Desperate, Nagui tried to calm things down by explaining himself at greater length: “At the moment when Julien plays his transverse flute, I quote Julien without necessarily saying that there is Momo on bass, there is a moment, stop being jealous ! This story is incredible“. He then made the decision to thank “the musicians” without naming anyone. Enough to avoid jealousy in the future!


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