DayFR Euro

the biker indicted

In its press release, the public prosecutor’s office did not provide any information on the state of health of the victim, whose life was in very serious condition after being hit on a pedestrian crossing by this 19-year-old man who was doing a wheelie.

The motorcyclist, who hit a seven-year-old girl on Thursday in Vallauris-Golfe-Juan (Alpes-Maritimes), was indicted on Saturday evening and placed under judicial supervision, announced the Grasse prosecutor’s office, which had requested provisional detention.

In its press release, the prosecution did not provide any news on the state of health of the victim, whose vital prognosis was “very committed”after being hit on a pedestrian crossing by this 19-year-old man who was doing a wheelie.

The driver, who did not test positive for alcohol or drugs, is being prosecuted for “unintentional injuries resulting in total incapacity for work for more than three months due to a clearly deliberate breach of a specific safety or caution obligation by a driver of a motor vehicle”lists the prosecution which indicates that a judicial investigation has been opened.

As part of this indictment, the prosecution and the investigating judge had requested that the accused be placed in provisional detention, as he was not known to the police or the courts until this tragedy.

More “The judge of liberties and detention has decided to place the person concerned under judicial supervision” with a number of obligations including “report once every two weeks to the Antibes police station”do not go to Vallauris or “to come into contact with the victim of the offence, his parents, brothers and sisters in any way whatsoever”He also had to hand over his driving licence to the court registry and is prohibited from leaving the Alpes-Maritimes department. The prosecution said it had appealed this decision.

The right-wing mayor of this town of 30,000 inhabitants, Kevin Luciano, told AFP: “sadness and worry for this little girl” but also “anger”considering seeing “a deterioration in incivility”According to him, the departmental road on which the accident occurred is not “not particularly accident-prone but an extremely busy road with 3,000 vehicles/day”. A petition demanding “security measures” on this avenue was launched, signed by more than 2,150 people.


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